Slide Out Poll

Slide Out Poll 1.2

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To hide those buttons would leave some options like open and sticky below the last submit button on the page, which violates usability conventions. So I won't be providing that feature in my add-on.
Fair point, however, having duplicate buttons is hardly optimal at the same time. Everything should just be moved to the bottom. This is simply a layout design failure.
I can appreciate that you see it that way, but I do not agree. The core components are followed by a set of submit buttons, while additional optional settings are below followed by a secondary set of submit buttons in the event those optional settings are manipulated. If you feel that that is a layout design failure, perhaps you should make a case to the Xenforo development team.
I'm sorry to disturb but for me there is no difference between your options. The poll options were always be shown below thread options.

Thanks for support
The options for Slide Out Poll do not change the placement of the poll options; they change the placement of the button that shows/hides the poll options.
Thank you @Bloodcinder for this cleaning up addon.
I think I might have found a bug, using XF1.4.2
I have some forums that I have unchecked "Allow polls to be created in this forum" and think the button should be hidden in those, but it isn't.
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If you set a forum to not have poll functionality the button still shows and if you press it, it just disappears. Very confusing for members.
I have got Xenforo 1.4 but this add-on isnt working for me. Add-on is enabled in options but I see no change on my forum. The polls are still shown and there is no" add a poll" button.
The issue was discussed privately. I determined that Edit Post Date by Waindigo was causing a template modification compilation error for several different add-ons, and that Poll Permissions by AndyB is incompatible with my add-on. With both of those disabled, Slide Out Poll works correctly.

I do not know what the problem is with Waindigo's add-on, but I don't have any intentions of making a compatibility fix for AndyB's add-on. However, I think the application order for the template modifications can be changed so that my add-on goes first and AndyB's goes second and then they don't conflict. I'm not sure.
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What a support and great help!!!
It is a free add-on and your support is awesome. Thank you for making time for me.
I am so happy that this add-on works now because the default look is just disturbing.
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