Shoutbox by Siropu

Shoutbox by Siropu [Paid] 2.0.3

No permission to buy (€14.99)
Love your plugin @Siropu
, would be great if u could add BB code when messaging like in the screenshot.

I think many would love to have this function available
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Apologies if this was answered in the discussion already - does this addon support showing new posts as shoutbox messages like TaigaChat used to do?
Thanks for the reply. I did see that add-on but in our case it's a bit more than we're looking for, we wouldn't be using most of its features/capabilities. :)
Thanks, that was probably it >_<. Sorry for the false alarm.

Side question - I'm possibly interested in making some customizations such as responding to certain chat keywords (e.g. !8ball or dice rolls) and/or have a bot account make shouts on certain events (e.g. a birthday or new member/subscriber).

I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the design changes from XF1 -> 2, so before I go down the rabbit hole of reading the code and trying to extend certain classes etc, do you know offhand if this is practical given the internal design of the shoutbox? Based on some preliminary skimming of the submit button, I am guessing it is just along the lines of creating a new instance of a shout and handing it off to the appropriate handler to be consumed
I'm possibly interested in making some customizations such as responding to certain chat keywords (e.g. !8ball or dice rolls) and/or have a bot account make shouts on certain events (e.g. a birthday or new member/subscriber).
My Chat add-on has command and bot features.

I am guessing it is just along the lines of creating a new instance of a shout
You can try extending the the Shout entity pre/post save method to read the shout and respond how you want to it.
Your shoutbox title font size is rather large. I see it is being called via .block-header { but I am unable to find exactly where it is being referenced. The block style properties does not match. Do you have an appropriate method to reduce its size?

edit, nm: found it. "@xf-fontSizeLarger".
Thanks - I tried doing the extension and it works just fine - I appreciate you may already have some of those things in your chat addon, though in my case I'm also looking to challenge myself to learn more about XF's innards.
The staff chat room has a fundamental flaw, if you switch from normal chat to "staff" you can't switch back and also a lot of the site functionality doesn't work unless you refresh the entire page. I thought it might be 3rd party theme at first, however even with default XF theme it doesn't work..

Currently using 1.8.2

Any updates on this issue ?
Cannot reproduce this issue on my dev or test site.

It's fine using a PC but not on a mobile. Any pointers for stuff to look at ?

You literally have to refresh the whole page on a mobile device after switching rooms before anything will work again.
I can see the issue on mobile. You can't use anything on the page except the site navigation which is very strange. Is this the case for you?

yes pretty much lose all functionality on a mobile device after switching to say staff room. Literally have to refresh the entire page before everything behaves as it should, as I say it even does this with default XF theme so to rule out any third party themes
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