Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey v2.2.10

No permission to download
Try adding this line in the "extra.less" file

a:visited {
color: green;

AppearanceStylesShades of Grey - Templates
Edit template: extra.less
I love these Shades of Grey and Shades of Blue. I am using them on my site right now, upgraded to Xenfor 2.3 and things are looking a bit wonky. I am not sure if it is because it is not compatible anymore, or if it is because I have the notice "There are templates that may be outdated. Click here to review them."

Anyone here using these themes yet with Xenforo 2.3?
I love these Shades of Grey and Shades of Blue. I am using them on my site right now, upgraded to Xenfor 2.3 and things are looking a bit wonky. I am not sure if it is because it is not compatible anymore, or if it is because I have the notice "There are templates that may be outdated. Click here to review them."

Anyone here using these themes yet with Xenforo 2.3?
I've been using it with no issues on my site with xenforo 2.3

If you see that it asks for templates to merge, go ahead & do it.

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