Server error, please try again later

Divinum Fiat

Well-known member
Hi all,

For some unexplainable reason I got logged out of my forum and when I try logging back in I get the message "server error, please try again later."

The page is frozen at that error page and no matter what tabs I click, I can't move away from the error page.

Does anyone have an idea of what this could be related to (my other domains, that share the same server, are up and running fine)?
am on it, thanks Borbole. Am on hold...

You mentioned above that your host did not have the most recent versions of php/mysql installed. And that is a major no go for serious hosts. Running older versions of those softwares is a major risk and any host worth its salt should know that. Personally I think that the server might be how they are getting access to your forum. If I were you I would start looking for another host that takes security seriously.

P.s. Do you have any disgrunted ex-staff or member that might have a grudge against you? I am asking because the hack message that you posted above seems like it is personal.
When I talked to Hostgator about the php and mysql upgrade they said that since it was my server it was my responsibility to upgrade my own server. Since I am so non-techie, I don't even know what php or mysql are, let alone how to upgrade.

There is only one person that has been giving me trouble a few months ago. I published my third book and announced it on my Facebook wall. She came to my wall stating that I was not qualified to have written that book (it's a book about love) and she slandered me on my wall. I know who this person is from a FB group we both belonged to, but don't know her personally. Her attacks got so bad that I blocked her and filed a report against her. Her husband works for the government. :-(

While I'm on hold, does anyone have a better choice for a hosting service in the U.S.??
I think it would be wise if you found a good, managed host.

A managed host is where they will manage your server for you. This is likely to cost more, but overall having a good, stable, secure host is going to cost less than cleaning up this horrible mess you keep finding yourself in :(

If it's any help, Nimbus Hosting are excellent. Now, they are actually in the UK, but most of our visitors at are actually from the US and there has never been any comments about performance.

I'm not sure whether they will manage the server for you, but I certainly know they will take care of moving everything, and then optimise the heck out of the server. We have never had such a great performing server, before now. Our last server was crap and it was a higher spec.
Well, I'm not happy with Hostgator right now. He didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed, or maybe it was just me not understanding him. The ticket is being worked on. I asked to have another back up restore and to check for the 'loophole' within the past 12 hours and for them to patch that hole. I asked for the database password to be changed and I told him I would change hosting companies if this happens again. He said that it is possible that someone has accessed the software, not the server, and is running a sql script to infest all of the the posts. There are over 5000 posts and like you said, Borbole, every single post now has been replaced by this hacker.

Should I take the forum down for now?
I made it inactive but it's still showing when I go there. Probably cache?

I was just able to change the password to the admin login. So it seems that the password through the software has not been compromised. The guy from HostGator thinks that someone wrote a sql script to infest all the posts in the database and that this is possible through a hole in the software, not the server.
I think you need to consider yourself in the "must move" category now - resign yourself to having to find a new host and moving your site/domain etc. and ask here at XF (perhaps in a separate thread) for recommendations for a good, solid, US host. Just out of interest, what's your current hosting cost?
I was just able to change the password to the admin login. So it seems that the password through the software has not been compromised. The guy from HostGator thinks that someone wrote a sql script to infest all the posts in the database and that this is possible through a hole in the software, not the server.
Nope, they're making excuses.

To the very best of our knowledge there is absolutely no security holes in XenForo that would cause this.
Clickfinity, I pay just around $50 per month and all my other domains are hosted on this server too but this is the only forum I have.

Chris, yes, this is what usually happens with service providers. No one wants to take responsibility and everyone is pointing the finger at the others.
Of course you should. If you don't then that other ****ing moron has won. And that's not right.

How many forums do you need to run?

Exactly ... the way to "win" this is to get organised, get moved, and get everything secured - all doable, if a little bit inconvenient (or a bloody nightmare, depending on whether it's happening to you or not).

I once had someone hack and deface my web directory - changed thousands of site listings to some quite horrible things (all of which was automatically emailed to the site owners by the software I was using!!). The very worst was the poor guy who made his living making childrens wooden toys - his site was made out to be a child porn site; imagine how he felt and how strongly he worded his emails to me. It was a complete, three-day nightmare that cost me a lot of money to resolve (refunds for site reviews etc.) but I I recovered, learned a lot through the process, and you will too. (y)

How many sites? How big/complex? Do you have a control panel? FTP access? How many domains? etc. - just so we have an idea of scope.
Thank you, Clickfinity. Right now I'm in tears, wondering if I should even continue this...

Imho you should not give up because as mentioned above then whomever is doing this to you has won.

Regarding your host, frankly I am very surprised to see how they are handling this whole situation. I thought that they should have been more professional than this. Anyway, I agree with Chris, that at this point in time there is no known security issue/s with xenforo.

Can you check your own access logs and post here the results btw so we can have a look? Maybe there might be something in there that can shed some light on the point of entry.
Blueprint sweetheart have a really good cry. Excellent option. It cleanses the stress so we can proceed onwards.

Chris suggests Nimbus Hosting. I have enormous respect for Chris so I suggest you contact Nimbus, tell them they come recommended, and appeal for help.
(Also respect Clickfinity and he's right to say time to go.)

There are quite a few here who will help with installs and transfers. Search on "installation" and look for the names that ring bells as worthy of respect.
SchmitzIT comes to mind - he's always fearfully busy but tell him the sad story and that this is mega crisis.

Perk that pretty chin up sista! (after a good cry). You done so well, don't give up now. Just back off a few hours and come back.
If you can provide access to your VPS, I can take a proper look at the logs on there and see if I can find anything?

The only thing hostgator are good for is cheap SSL certificates. I'd not trust them to even host a static HTML page, never mind have a VPS with them.
If you can provide access to your VPS, I can take a proper look at the logs on there and see if I can find anything?

Matt suggest you contact her privately. Make sure you explain ANY word not in straight English e.g. VPS. Otherwise it wastes time her needing to ask. This is a clever lady - she runs a cool forum and writes books! - but she says herself software is not her thing. So baby language alert.
Matt suggest you contact her privately. Make sure you explain ANY word not in straight English e.g. VPS. Otherwise it wastes time her needing to ask. This is a clever lady - she runs a cool forum and writes books! - but she says herself software is not her thing. So baby language alert.
I've already been in touch with her privately, I just wanted to offer it here as well in case someone else was already on the case. (y)
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