s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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You don't need any add-on to create your own media sites, that's part of XenForo. If you don't know how to create media sites, check out the general support forum, someone will point you to a tutorial if you can't find one.
I can't figure out how to search this thread for a keyword.

I have issues with XF2 and this plugin for Amazon in Chrome based browsers.
Amazon links come up just fine in IE.
But in Chrome, my users get the picture below.

I'm on version 2.3.7 and tried a rebuild.
Still broken.
Any suggestions?


@Bionic Rooster The add-on replaces the default YouTube media site but the error you see can only happen if you remove the old media site without installing the new one. Typically, this can happen if the installation is interrupted. The way to fix it is to either complete the installation via the warning message that should appear at the top of the admin panel, or simply reinstall the add-on.

I will update the add-on to add directions on how to fix missing templates.
@Bionic Rooster The add-on replaces the default YouTube media site but the error you see can only happen if you remove the old media site without installing the new one. Typically, this can happen if the installation is interrupted. The way to fix it is to either complete the installation via the warning message that should appear at the top of the admin panel, or simply reinstall the add-on.

I will update the add-on to add directions on how to fix missing templates.
This error did not show up at the top of the admin panel, it showed up when trying to access a youtube video in a message. There were no interruptions during install, I just updated from xf2.1.1 to xf2.1.2 and there were no template errors in the admin panel.
the error you see can only happen if you remove the old media site without installing the new one.
This was not the case either. Nothing was removed.
The error message I'm talking about is in the admin panel and says something like "One or more add-ons currently have actions pending and may be in an inconsistent state. Because of this, some errors may be suppressed and unexpected behavior may occur. If this does not change shortly, please contact the add-on author for guidance." I think there's another one that offers to complete the installation by clicking on it but I don't know how to intentionally trigger it. Usually it happens to me when I'm starting an installation or an uninstallation and I click too fast or I try to do multiple things at once and don't let things finish normally.

This was not the case either. Nothing was removed.
The template was missing, so it was certainly removed but it doesn't mean you removed it manually; Templates are automatically removed (then re-added) during the installation or uninstallation of an add-on, and that's probably what happened there. The installer removed the old version of the template and didn't install the new version. That's why reinstalling or rebuilding the add-on fixes it.
I don't know if this has already been requested but could you auto-shorten really long media like Xenforo does with large quotes? Someone posted a link to Reddit today and the post was enormous. If he had quoted instead it would have required a "show more" to see the full thing.
@PixelOrange There's no simple way to do that. I'll think about it but in the meantime I recommend posting long stories in a quote.

On a related note, I've just updated the iframe host to remove the margins around Reddit embeds. It'll help slightly on desktop browsers.
@PixelOrange There's no simple way to do that. I'll think about it but in the meantime I recommend posting long stories in a quote.

On a related note, I've just updated the iframe host to remove the margins around Reddit embeds. It'll help slightly on desktop browsers.

Dang. Well, alright. Thank you for the suggestion.

I haven't tried to dig into the code. How does it work for the quotes?
As I recall, there's some JavaScript that measures the quotes when the page loads then adds a class if it exceeds a certain size. Come to think of it, if the placeholder for Reddit embeds isn't tall enough, it means the full quote will be visible by default.
I don't know if Twitter is having some issues with the embedding process, but I can note a seriously lag on my Forum whenever he loads a Twitter post.

My XF is in the last version and this plugin too. You guys can see a example here.

Anybody having the same issue or is just me?
Definitely not just you. My forum loaded fine but the Twitter content took a much longer time than any other content served by this add-on.
Twitter loads fine and quickly for me (< 1s) so I assume any slowdown was a regional issue, e.g. somebody's CDN being overloaded or something like that.

How long does it take for you and what do you see while it's loading? Is it a completely blank space or does it say that Twitter is loading?
Twitter loads fine and quickly for me (< 1s) so I assume any slowdown was a regional issue, e.g. somebody's CDN being overloaded or something like that.

How long does it take for you and what do you see while it's loading? Is it a completely blank space or does it say that Twitter is loading?

Oh, thanks for replying Joshy!

So, I'm getting a "Tweet is loading..." message every time.

On a post with various tweets, some load and some not. I have to press F5 to refresh the tab and wait again. Some of then not load for real.

Maybe is just a regional thing like you said.
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