s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.15.6

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Twitter loads fine and quickly for me (< 1s) so I assume any slowdown was a regional issue, e.g. somebody's CDN being overloaded or something like that.

How long does it take for you and what do you see while it's loading? Is it a completely blank space or does it say that Twitter is loading?

It's no longer doing it for me and I didn't change anything so I'm assuming this is accurate. I do see the twitter is loading screen but it's very fast now.
I'm seeing an issue today where YouTube videos are not resizing correctly. Wondering if anyone is able to help with this. As you can imagine, the forum is starting to look a real mess in some areas.

Does someone have an example of using the Google Sheets? Is there a public setting for the document that needs to be set?
Does someone have an example of using the Google Sheets? Is there a public setting for the document that needs to be set?
Just need to click share, then copy like and set to share. Very cool!! Could this be extended to docs and slides?
Hey JoshyPHP first thank you endless lot for this add-on for all your effort and time!

I have one problem, i get a yellow mark at ssl cert in browser. I am using Chat 2 and realised that some thumbnails/images get embedded via http: .
You can visit my site and press in on the news channel. https://cryptoevo.de
As far as I can tell, all of the embeds use either protocol-relative URLs or HTTPS URLs. If some providers use assets served over HTTP inside of their iframe there's nothing we can do about it. That's something that needs to be resolved on the provider's side.
As far as I can tell, all of the embeds use either protocol-relative URLs or HTTPS URLs. If some providers use assets served over HTTP inside of their iframe there's nothing we can do about it. That's something that needs to be resolved on the provider's side.

I am sorry realised first now you would have to register to see the news tab in chat.
I have made an test account for you Username ist : JoshyPHP and PW I have send you via PN.
I don't see anything served over HTTP. If you get the "not secure" warning, check out your browser's developer tools and look for anything served over HTTP rather than HTTPS. I'm fairly certain it will not be an embed from this add-on, though.
Just wanted to know if Flickr embeds are working.

They show this error to me:

This content can’t be shown in a frame
There is supposed to be some content here, but the publisher doesn’t allow it to be displayed in a frame. This is to help protect the security of any information you might enter into this site.
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