s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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@Overflame I don't think there's a big appeal for most websites. You can create a Sketchfab media site for your own forums with the following settings.
Media Site ID: sketchfab
   Site Title: Sketchfab
   Match URLs: sketchfab.com/models/{$id}
   Embed HTML: <iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://sketchfab.com/models/{$id}/embed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>
Facebook videos appear to be embedding both the video and the post content, which I don't think is the desired result.
The short story is that displaying text/pictures posts one way and videos another is much more complicated. If you need to display videos alone, your best bet is to create a media site just for them. You may have to disable the Facebook media site from this add-on though.
@Rambro No, and they don't seem to autoplay for me either. The player loads normally and only after I click the ▶ icon it shows an ad then the video starts.
@Rambro No, and they don't seem to autoplay for me either. The player loads normally and only after I click the ▶ icon it shows an ad then the video starts.
Ooooookaaaayyy. That's just ****ing weird.

Edit - found it. Seems Ghostery was the culprit. Never had that happen before. Wonder what definition they updated to cause that change.

Sorry for the bother Joshy.
support picasa?
I haven't looked into Picasa recently but I don't think it's possible for a third-party (a forum software) to access the embed code of an album. I'm not sure though.

Possible to add support for beatport?
I looked into Beatport and it looks embeddable but the site is barely in the top 4000 at Alexa and I'm currently too busy to add anything but the very most popular sites in the forseeable future sorry. :(

If either of those sites is of particular importance for your forum and you want to sponsor their development you can contact me and I'll give you an estimation of what it'll cost you.
I haven't looked into Picasa recently but I don't think it's possible for a third-party (a forum software) to access the embed code of an album. I'm not sure though.

I looked into Beatport and it looks embeddable but the site is barely in the top 4000 at Alexa and I'm currently too busy to add anything but the very most popular sites in the forseeable future sorry. :(

If either of those sites is of particular importance for your forum and you want to sponsor their development you can contact me and I'll give you an estimation of what it'll cost you.
That's actually quite surprising, beatport is huge for electronic music purchases, as well as Juno Download (http://www.junodownload.com/)
Buying music is not extremely popular on the internet. :D That's why sites like Bandcamp.com and SoundCloud.com will always have a much greater audience.
Anything is possible but at the same time, if you don't give any examples of the URLs you're talking about it means I have to spend time searching that site before I can even start to answer. Please post a few links as examples of the kind of links that should be supported. You do not need to post the embed code, only links to the content you want to embed. Selection may depend on the site's popularity, Alexa rank and activity on social sites.
Anything is possible but at the same time, if you don't give any examples of the URLs you're talking about it means I have to spend time searching that site before I can even start to answer. Please post a few links as examples of the kind of links that should be supported. You do not need to post the embed code, only links to the content you want to embed. Selection may depend on the site's popularity, Alexa rank and activity on social sites.
My mistake. The video here would be an example: http://www.nba.com/2015/news/06/26/...nd-jerami-grant.ap/index.html?ls=iref:nbahpts

This is the share link they provide: http://www.nba.com/video/channels/draft/2015/06/26/all-axecess-kristaps-porzingis.nba/
I've looked into NBA.com and I've come to the conclusion that they don't want people to embed their videos. They don't offer any embed code, there's no mention of the videos on their Open Graph data and I dug up some old embeddable(?) player from 2009 but it seems it was discontinued. No support for NBA.com videos in the forseeable future I'm afraid. :(

That's great! If you want to redistribute it as an add-on, you can either look into other add-ons' XML file and copy the file structure or you can go to your Admin CP in Addons > Create Add-on. The button is only available if you add this to your config.php:
$config['debug'] = true;
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