s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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I had the same problem and clearing my browser's cached fixed it. That's because the overlay is loaded via an HTTP request that's apparently set to be cached (in the browser) for one hour. It's basically just a visual bug that affect a small percentage of the users though. If you didn't use the Media overlay in the hour preceding the change you're not affected.
Well blow me, you learn something new every day! I tested this on my dev site and saw the visual bug but now I've returned over an hour later (without clearing my cache) it's now gone. At least I know for future reference. :)
Any XF caches relating to media sites should be rebuilt when adding or editing a media site.
Yes I've noticed them when they are added, it was the removal of them when deleted that was the issue. Now I know it's just a 1 hour visual bug then it's not a problem. :)
That's a good idea. I actually started tagging those sites (on my local copy) last week but I stalled because of other stuff coming up. I intend to publish an update with a "videos" category this week.

Great i cannot wait for the new update :) This would be better than excluding sites. Thank you so much

As others mentionned, it's by site ID. For Amazon, it's "amazon" (case-insensitive.) Have you tried posting a supported URL to see whether it gets embedded? You can get a list of supporter URLs on the add-on's GitHub page: https://github.com/s9e/XenForoMediaBBCodes

@Jahsun and @DennisSkov can you help me understand, why is it that you want to exclude some sites? The interface for excluding sites is very rudimentary because I didn't expect people to have to use it.

The reason i would like to exclude some site for this particular project i am working on is because i really have no need for them and i do not want members to post amazon and hulu etc. The community will be focused on using just certain media sites. I love the addon and the other media sites will be very useful on other projects.

I had the same problem and clearing my browser's cached fixed it. That's because the overlay is loaded via an HTTP request that's apparently set to be cached (in the browser) for one hour. It's basically just a visual bug that affect a small percentage of the users though. If you didn't use the Media overlay in the hour preceding the change you're not affected.

It is working for me now. I think i waited over an hour and when i checked after your post the excluded sites are not showing (y). I went ahead and add the rest that needs to be excluded, clear browser cache and BAM working like a charm ;).

Thank you Dennis, Martok and Joshy. You guys are awesome. Thank you once again Joshy for your work.
can you add spreaker?

As stated on the Overview page for this add-on:

How to request a media site

If there's a media site that you would want to see in this pack, you can request it in this thread and it will be considered for inclusion. Selection may depend on the site's popularity, Alexa rank and activity on social sites. Please post a few links as examples of the kind of links that should be supported. You do not need to post the embed code, only links to the content you want to embed.
@JoshyPHP Amazon on the desktop is acting up
It's related to responsive embeds. It's given enough room to fill the width you've set in the Admin CP but Amazon's markup must use a fixed width so the extra space appears empty. I'd need to exclude Amazon from the "responsive" feature.

I have a question about the Twitter embed. Let's say someone deletes the tweet, does it have a fallback?
No, it doesn't save the tweet or anything. It's exactly the same as reading it from Twitter.
@JoshyPHP, great addon. Didn't even realize that some sites were supported until I saw the embed show up on some of my site's posts, lol.

I'm not sure if your license allows people to take certain media codes from your pack and share them individually, so I'm asking here.

XFUniverse is looking for a single twitter media bbcode, and I suggested using your addon:

But @Sheldon doesn't want to download an entire pack, so I suggested that maybe he could created his own BBCode with the configuration you have setup in your addon here.
@SneakyDave just so you are aware, you can switch off whole categories of media sites (I have) and additionally exclude any from within allowed categories (again I've done this). So you could install this add-on and only allow the Twitter media site if you so wished. Of course Sheldon may still not want to do this but I thought I'd mention it as an option. :)
@JoshyPHP, great addon. Didn't even realize that some sites were supported until I saw the embed show up on some of my site's posts, lol.
That's because you didn't read the description! :LOL: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/s9e-media-bbcodes-pack.2476/

I'm not sure if your license allows people to take certain media codes from your pack and share them individually, so I'm asking here.
The code is released under the MIT license, which allows you to do pretty much anything you want with the code apart from claiming ownership of it or suing me if your computer explodes.
@JoshyPHP thanks again for the post.

I just wanted the tweet only. I know the amount of media sites added in this, and it's great. For what I wanted, I just wanted to have that code to carry to other sites I run.
Just the article should be fine. It looks like their pop-up player, except more compact and without the playlist.
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