s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Oh I understand how to implement it. I have been using WordPress for like a decade now and have managed to get it to work for me without really knowing PHP. I was just asking about the choice of using capital C for the file name. But now I realize that you already use MediaBBCodes.php for the main file for this add-on :D

Implementing this right away!
Ok. The ZIP file comes with Custom.php with both entries. I think you just enabled YouTube player load for all people who would upgrade to this by uploading both the files on their servers!

(Assuming return str_replace('controls=2', 'controls=1', $html); does what I think it does!)
Oh, that's a mistake on my part. There should be no Custom.php in the archive at all. I'm going to replace the archive right away, thanks.
It works fine here. There might be some network/connectivity issues with their site. I often have that problem Comedy Central's sites.

What happens when you use the media button with that URL? Have you tried watching the video on their site directly?
Code appears to be accurate.

<iframe width="512" height="288" src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:thedailyshow.com:9441bb47-7809-4751-a96a-61963a68525b" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Grr. I guess it is the same insecure content on secure pages issue :D Sorry.
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Grr. I guess it is the same insecure content on secure pages issue :D Sorry.
A while ago I went through all of the media sites and replaced http:// URLs with scheme-relative URLs (those without http:) to help with HTTPS sites. I didn't change Comedy Central sites because they didn't work over HTTPS back then. I've just tried again and it seems they're willing to use HTTPS but they have some problems with their certificate.

Either way I've updated them. It may or may not work for you depending on how picky your browser is. Even if it doesn't work right now, it will fix itself once they take care of their certificate.
Any chance to add TSN.ca videos?

Nope, sorry. I'm starting to see a pattern in sports sites that they don't want their videos to be embedded elsewhere. They don't provide a way to embed it and their player doesn't seem to work on third party sites. I'm not surprised they're protective of their IP considering how they sell broadcasting rights for bajillions of dollars, but I don't get the economics of it. Either way, it's no bueno. :(
Yeah, I suspected it would be the case as well but thought I would see what you could do anyway.

Thanks for looking into it though.
I get a 500 Internal Server Error every time I attempt to install the addon.xml file. What should I look at?
@JoshyPHP I've had a request for Grantland, specifically the video's they upload. Example here:


Could it work?

They simply embed ESPN videos. Currently I don't try to extract videos from articles or from third-party sites so no, Grantland URLs won't be supported for the foreseeable future but it you right-click on the video you can copy its ESPN URL and use that instead. Just once you'll have updated to the latest version of the add-on, because they use a type of URL that I thought ESPN had retired and the current version only support the other 4 different kinds of URLs that ESPN uses. :X3:

I get a 500 Internal Server Error every time I attempt to install the addon.xml file. What should I look at?
Your server logs I guess? A 500 error indicates a problem in your setup. If you post a link to the output of your phpinfo() I'll take a look at it, but server configuration is not my expertise. Right now my guess is you run an antiquated version of PHP or libxml.
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