s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Any advice? Thnks.

Try editing your CSS to add this: (in the EXTRA.css template for example)
    background-color: #fff;

I've had some reports of decreased load times so far.

That's interesting. It's possible it could improve on some browsers but that would be purely coincidental. :)

Could you add support for Google Maps?

No, it's relatively complicated and it would require its own add-on.
Could you add support for Google Maps?

The following custom media site code adds limited map support on my site, perhaps it might work for you too? It is pretty basic though and doesn't always fetch the correct place such as if there are several locations with the same place name. But it is better than nothing ;)
Media Site ID: googlemaps
Site Title: Google Maps
Site URL: https://www.google.com/maps/

Match URLs: (you might also like to duplicate other domains, one per line e.g. google.co.uk, google.ca, etc etc)

Embed HTML:
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=(INSERT API KEY)&q={$id}&zoom=15" width="450" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The following custom media site code adds limited map support on my site, perhaps it might work for you too? It is pretty basic though and doesn't always fetch the correct place such as if there are several locations with the same place name. But it is better than nothing ;)
Media Site ID: googlemaps
Site Title: Google Maps
Site URL: https://www.google.com/maps/

Match URLs: (you might also like to duplicate other domains, one per line e.g. google.co.uk, google.ca, etc etc)

Embed HTML:
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=(INSERT API KEY)&q={$id}&zoom=15" width="450" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Thank you! What about using map coordinates?
@Mike Edge yes map coordinates can work too, with the caveat being that the place box will display those coordinates and not something potentially more meaningful like a street address etc e.g. [media=googlemaps]37.8077606,-122.4754376[/media]
Try editing your CSS to add this: (in the EXTRA.css template for example)
    background-color: #fff;

That's interesting. It's possible it could improve on some browsers but that would be purely coincidental. :)

No, it's relatively complicated and it would require its own add-on.

Yesn, works perfect. thanks
Latest version is broken for Google Sheets:
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=wise&passive=1209600&continue=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxx/pubhtml?widget%3Dtrue%26headers%3Dfalse&followup=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxxxxx/pubhtml?widget%3Dtrue%26headers%3Dfalse&ltmpl=sheets#gid= does not permit framing.

Version -20170206 works in loading the embed but gives an error:
A browser error has occurred.
Please hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to try again.
overlayed on top of the embed.
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Can you please add https://sendvid.com/ ? :D Would be so nice!

Ok, I'll think about it.

Edit: I looked into it but I found that it uses advertisements from an adult content network and I try to avoid those in this add-on. The embed code is straightforward though, so you should be able to add a custom media site for yourself.

Latest version is broken for Google Sheets:

I tested it with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f988o68HDvk335xXllJD16vxLBuRcmm3vg6U9lVaYpA and it works fine for me. It's possible the sheet you're trying to embed has some restrictions related to embedding / publishing.
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Ok, I'll think about it.

Edit: I looked into it but I found that it uses advertisements from an adult content network and I try to avoid those in this add-on. The embed code is straightforward though, so you should be able to add a custom media site for yourself.

I tested it with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f988o68HDvk335xXllJD16vxLBuRcmm3vg6U9lVaYpA and it works fine for me. It's possible the sheet you're trying to embed has some restrictions related to embedding / publishing.

There is nothing wrong with my sheet. It works fine on much older versions. I mistakenly upgraded to the latest and now it's embedding incorrectly. It's a view only whereas your link is a comment only sheet. Have you tested with a view only?
What's your URL and what version did you upgrade from? If you just say "it doesn't work" there's nothing I can do about it.
I posted info above: "Version -20170206 and prior works in loading the embed but gives an error in the middle of the spreadsheet preventing use of the spreadsheet:"
A browser error has occurred.
Please hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to try again.

20170522(possibly earlier, haven't tested every version between) and newer is where the embed completely stops working and console shows:
"Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=wise&passive=1209600&continue=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxx/pubhtml?widget%3Dtrue%26headers%3Dfalse&followup=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/xxxxxxxxxxx/pubhtml?widget%3Dtrue%26headers%3Dfalse&ltmpl=sheets#gid= does not permit framing."

I'd PM you the spreadsheet link but you don't allow PMs.
I dug into the history and I can confirm that the URL used to embed Google Sheets has changed around March 18 this year.

That error doesn't contain actionable info, only that Google wants you to log in and that you cannot log in from an iframe. I need the original URL so that I can paste it in my local installation and see whether if works for me, and debug it if it doesn't.

My account is set to accept conversations from all members; You should be able to send me the original URL unless your account is restricted somehow. Otherwise, try to find a URL that doesn't work that you're willing to post here.
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