s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Yeah, it's obvious in hindsight but I understand why it's not the first thing you thought about. You got a link, you paste a link, you expect to get a link and not a white square. That makes sense. :)

ESPN has at least four different kind of URLs for videos (between their desktop site, mobile site and en Español) so it's a bit harder to identify all video URLs without creating false-positives but I think I got it. I'm going to update the add-on with a slightly different version that should not require your users to use the Link button or the BBCode.
@OperaManiac The list of supported URLs is at https://github.com/s9e/XenForoMediaBBCodes -- Photos are supposed to work, I'll take a look at your link later or tomorrow. Right now I've just spent a lot of time writing the wall of text below.

@Bob_R My problem isn't about the NFL. I know it's the national handegg federation and they host the annual Superball advertisement festival.

It's about the proper way to ask someone to spend their time doing something for you. One word followed by the name of a thing is not the proper way. It shows that you put zero effort in it and it's very rude. I release this add-on for free. I don't personally use XenForo and I don't personally know anybody who does. Everything I do and every second I spend in relation to this add-on, I do at a loss. That includes writing this. Having to write this costs me time.

On the Overview page of the add-on, there's a section about requests. I've kept it as short as possible because I know that people don't like to read. The only thing I ask is to post a couple of links as examples. As such, the proper way to request an addition would be "Hi, can you add site X please? Here are a couple of links, thanks." Here's an example of such a request. It was so perfectly concise and helpful that I handled it immediately and an update was available exactly 32 minutes after posting. If I have all the information I need upfront and the site is a straight iframe-type embed, it only takes me a few minutes to create a definition. The rest of the time I spent on the release process. Some sites are more complicated and require more work. If the request doesn't have enough examples, I have to spend time on Reddit and social sites to gather more information about the different type of links. For instance, even though the add-on supports only 63 sites, it supports at least 137 different kinds of URLs.

To summarise: maintaining this add-on and handling new requests takes quite a bit of work for which I receive no compensation, save for the proverbial satisfaction of a job well done. If someone posts a request without doing the one thing I ask and without the bare minimum of social etiquette, it makes me feel unappreciated and sad. If it takes you 5 seconds to type "Request: X" and it takes me 5 minutes to explain why I need more information, it devalues my time. It creates a situation where the best course of action is for me to ignore your post. The risk is that at some point, the best course of action would be to abandon this add-on. That goes against everybody's interest.

The cruel joke of this situation is this: I went to NFL.com, I looked for videos, searched the web for information. Here's what I concluded: it doesn't seem that the NFL want to let people embed their content. Which is not very surprising in hindsight, the NFL is notorious for being very protective of their IP rights.
Thanks I did check the supported links in XenForo backend and then decided to post it here. I would experiment with more Facebook links. Google+ and Imgur Albums are working great! Thanks for that. Also for gfycat. Your plugin basically resolved 95% of embeddable links on my forum. :)
@OperaManiac Try the update, see how that works for you. Facebook has that weird thing where videos from gallery use the "photo" URL instead of the "video" URL, and it causes me some problems. Not technical problems, just that instead of having just the video, you have the whole post containing the video. Same for photos, the whole post is embedded. If you want just the photo, you'd need to use the photo's URL directly.
Yup. I faced the same issues when I was trying to generate codes for it on IPB. In the end, I just gave up. Just too many variety of links. G+ is much simpler in comparison. Thanks for the update!

Update: Works.
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Would be nice to see a code for geocaches from geocaching.com added to this great pack. I leave here what is needed to know about it (or what I think is needed :oops:)

A geocache regular link:


and their own short url for the same geocache:


Facebook renders the geocaches as this:

A event geocache


A regular geocache


Almost same on both just grabbing the date for the event geocache and changing the geocache icon type to mach the type.

This is the regular geocache listing header (where users get most of the info they need)


A good one in my opinion would be the Icon and name as facebook use but instead the "always the same" message (except for the events with says the date) placing data from this header

The important to know the properties for a geocache would be:

Where (in this case: In Lisboa, Portugal)
Coordinates would be ok but not so necessary (The above give the user if the geocache would fit them and in that case they will open the main page or just export the GPX to the GPS)

If the cache is a event the event date would be nice to have, if the cache is not a event the header will change the "event date" to "hidden" and show the hidden date witch doesn't matter for a hide since they can be hidden for long before being published (waiting approval, changes, maintenance, etc.)

Hope this help, sorry for any weird typo.

And thanks for this great add-on
I'd really love to have support for CFL.ca (Canadian Football League) videos.

Their main video section is located at:

A few examples of videos are:

I believe they only have the one format of video URL.

They do also host all the videos for all the teams, so I was hoping that by implementing for the CFL.ca site, the team sites would also work?

For example:

Thanks for the outstanding work on this plug in, really appreciate it.
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