s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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@FrankPereiro I'm going upload a new version that supports MLB.com in a moment. I looked it up on Reddit and they use a bunch of different URLs for their videos. I think I got most of them but I guess we'll see. Their video player is a bit clunky; In all of my browsers I have to click twice to get the video started.
@JoshyPHP fantastic work on that mlb code. their site is a ***** to navigate normally so it must not have been easy.

guys - donate to joshy. he literally takes requests in here and puts up his time and effort for nothing. chip in and buy him a beer if he adds your code or gives you support.
@CarpCharacin Try the latest version, it should help with it.
JoshyPHP updated s9e Media BBCodes pack with a new update entry:

Added scrollbar to the list of supported sites in Add Media dialog

The list of supported sites in the "Add Media" dialog has been limited to 40% of the screen's height. If that's not enough to show all the sites there should be a scrollbar unless it's suppressed by the browser.

I will most likely upgrade to 2.0 when it becomes available.

@Rambro I can get behind that, thanks for the support. :D
@FrankPereiro I'm going upload a new version that supports MLB.com in a moment. I looked it up on Reddit and they use a bunch of different URLs for their videos. I think I got most of them but I guess we'll see. Their video player is a bit clunky; In all of my browsers I have to click twice to get the video started.

This is great, I'm going to try it and will let you know.

I'm not at home right now but as soon as I get back there I will update this add-on and try it...

Thank you very much
MLB videos are not working properly

Can you describe the issue or post a link to your forums that showcases it? It works for me, on my test board. If your forums use HTTPS it's possible that you're having issues with MLB's handling of their SSL certificate. Their servers seem to have some trouble with SSL too.
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