s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Found the reason. The post that did not get embedded has a shared post in it which is from a community. This seems to be the reason why the post has embedding disabled. :rolleyes:
Embed Suggestion


Example URL:
Embed Code:
<iframe width="100%" height="160" src="https://clyp.it/5212ddgc/widget" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I am not sure how popular it is. I had to share an audio clip and this site was the first one to appear on Google on searching for share audio. Not a big deal if you think it's not popular enough!
Imgur's new format has been giving me fits with embedding albums. Upon updating to the latest version of the addon, the thumbnails are fixed at least, but portrait-style images are still getting truncated instead of being scaled to fit vertically.

Example of album URL:

Currently outputs thusly.
They appear to have a new embed code with white background.

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/AACfq"><a href="//imgur.com/AACfq">AWWW YISSS SARAH ANDERSEN</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Imgur's new format has been giving me fits with embedding albums.

Yeah, Imgur has more or less abandoned their old (and IMO, nicer looking) album layout. The new update use their newer embedded post thing.

how about a bbcode for Olympics 2016?

I don't know about obsovp.tv. There's no site on this domain name and I can't find any reference to that name.

I'm a newbie here but I'd like to request a bbcode to embed MLB videos.

The procedure is on the add-on's page:

If there is a media site that you would want to see in this pack, you can request it in this thread and it will be considered for inclusion. Selection may depend on the site's popularity, Alexa rank and activity on social sites. Please post a few links as examples of the kind of links that should be supported. You do not need to post the embed code, only links to the content you want to embed.

Fair warning though, I find myself relatively busy these days and I only consider popular sites and sites on a strong growth trend for addition. I usually also offer the option to sponsor the development and addition of the sites that don't make the cut.
@GasBandit You may have forgotten to upload the new PHP file.
That was it. I had uploaded the entire contents of the zip file and then run the xml under the update command, but I guess it didn't replace the PHP file automatically... so I hunted it down in the file structure and replaced it manually. Thanks for all your help!
Hey thanks for a great add-on.

I'm having a bit of trouble with Google Docs. I'll use this file as an example. If I try to embed it, it gives me an error saying "this specified URL cannot be embedded as media." I'd appreciate any help on this. Thank you.
I'm having a bit of trouble with Google Docs.

There's no media site for Google Docs, only Google Sheets and Google Drive. Do you have a public document that can be embedded? The one you linked doesn't seem to provide that option.
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