Responsive Social Sharing Buttons

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.7

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Glad to see a new update after a long while. Is it possible to include them in pages yet?

Work life has taken over at the moment so need to clear my desk before I can work on anything more, this update was more due to the license change by the rrssb js developers.

any chance to add font aweesome except image

For what reason? the svg images are just as good.
Work life has taken over at the moment so need to clear my desk before I can work on anything more, this update was more due to the license change by the rrssb js developers.

For what reason? the svg images are just as good.
becouse i got custom style and font awesome included in every template, so maybe to add option for it in plugin setup.
Great add-on, works perfectly fine and adjusts with the values you mention in the description. One quest though, if I set it below 100% (you had 45% on the image you showed) can you center the social buttons? Probably overlooking it and I guess it just needs a style property edit?

One quest though, if I set it below 100% (you had 45% on the image you showed) can you center the social buttons?

Its not part of the addon style properties but you could change the css value manually in template SV_rrssbDefault.css for the main container div.

Find this section
.share-container.clearfix {
  word-wrap: normal;
  margin: 10px 0;
  <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.rrssb_maxWidth}">
  max-width: {$xenOptions.rrssb_maxWidth};
  <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.rrssb_minWidth}">
  min-width: {$xenOptions.rrssb_minWidth};

and change:
margin: 10px 0;

margin: 10px auto;
Re Font Awesome
Thats not a valid reason for me to use FontAwesome over svg.
A lot of people already use Font Awesome, and it's loaded into the Xen Media Gallery also.
So an option to use it rather than loading additional SVG images makes a lot of sense. Especially when Font Awesome specifically supports those social media icons.
Also having a cached total shares makes sense, doesn't it? Like they have at
A lot of people already use Font Awesome, and it's loaded into the Xen Media Gallery also.
So an option to use it rather than loading additional SVG images makes a lot of sense. Especially when Font Awesome specifically supports those social media icons.

The svg icons are inline svg and not loaded with additional http requests, the only benefit I see of using icons over inline svg are backward browser support for IE8. Admittedly the icons could be compressed and converted into base64 for css use but the performance increase would be minimal.

As I said, because some people may already have font awesome in use is not a valid reason for me make a change, the svg method used is just fine.

Also having a cached total shares makes sense, doesn't it? Like they have at

I never said it didnt. I may look at the inclusion of an overall total share count using something like in the future.
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SimonV updated Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.4

Page node support has been added to this release. :)

v1.4 update contains the following:
  • Added support for page nodes
  • Added top and bottom position options for page nodes
  • Added an option to enable "Call to Action" text above share buttons for pages
  • Fixed an issue with medium size button icons overlapping content below
To Update:

Re-upload the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Getting this error trying to update,

Callback rrssb_Listener::rrssbCssCache is invalid (Invalid Method).
After upgrading to 1.4 the icons are aligned at the top of the boxes.
View attachment 104207

If you have made any manual changes to the templates from this addon they will need to be reverted and your changes added again or even better added to EXTRA.css. There were changes to the icon CSS in version 1.3.2 and from that screen shot it looks like there could be missing css.

If you want to send me your URL I can take a look and verify if that is the case or not.
SimonV updated Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.4.1

v1.4.1 update contains the following:
  • Fixed an issue with large button icons size
To Update:

From version 1.4 just upgrade the addon with the new XML file.

From version 1.3.2 or previous re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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