Implemented Requiring Review To Rate (Anonymous Reviews)


Well-known member
The new version requires a review in order to rate, and requires a download in order to review.

This is a step in the right direction, but always forcing someone's name publicly is going to tend to have people not give bad reviews even when one is warranted. Simply because they don't want to deal with having an argument with the resource author.

I'm not sure what the ideal solution would be, but maybe somehow give reputed members the ability to not sign their name to their review. Maybe based on user group at the time they left the review... or maybe a preference you could set a threshold at like after xxx public reviews, the user is allowed to leave reviews without signing their name.

Another idea would be to have another sort of rating based on the ratio of ratings to downloads (since the current setup will make tons of positive reviews, but very few negative reviews).

Anyone else have any ideas of how to encourage negative reviews when they are actually warranted?
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I'm not sure what the ideal solution would be, but maybe somehow give reputed members the ability to not sign their name to their review. Maybe based on user group at the time they left the review... or maybe a preference you could set a threshold at like after xxx public reviews, the user is allowed to leave reviews without signing their name.
Anyone else have any ideas of how to encourage negative reviews when they are actually warranted?
Would love to hear suggestions and solution on how to allow people to speak their mind freely.
Our site encourages real names (think LinkedIn) but at the same time, we want people to anonymously post reviews.
Ideally, this should be an option in ACP that allow reviews to be anonymous (hide ID and activity). On the front end, the reviewer can choose to make it public if he wants. Default is anonymous and can be set per resource category.
I've mentioned the possibility of making reviews anonymous, though this isn't coded yet.

Also, you don't have to require reviews to rate - it's just a decision we've taken here.
I would suggest the option of anonymous reviews also, with being able to update the review at a later date.
  • This would allow the resource author to directly address the issue
  • the anonymous poster can update their review at a later
I've mentioned the possibility of making reviews anonymous, though this isn't coded yet.

Also, you don't have to require reviews to rate - it's just a decision we've taken here.
If anonymous reviews are turned on, would we (admins) still be able to view who left the review?
I don't suspect Addon Makers will think that Anonymous reviews are particularly fair.
I don't think they are either.

I dont think reviews or ratings are all that helpful anyway.
I've mentioned the possibility of making reviews anonymous, though this isn't coded yet.

Also, you don't have to require reviews to rate - it's just a decision we've taken here.
Don't do iiiitttt!!!!

People will download it and make up something spiteful to say without even installing it. The way it is right now is perfect.
Anonymity has nothing to do with legitimacy. If a user has downloaded, tried, and had legitimate issues with a resource they should be able to speak their mind. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an option to switch on or off, but the ability to do so should exist.
Anonymity has nothing to do with legitimacy. If a user has downloaded, tried, and had legitimate issues with a resource they should be able to speak their mind. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an option to switch on or off, but the ability to do so should exist.
Being anonymous is a great way to troll. This system will easily get abused.
They aren't really legitimate when they're anonymous.
You take a college course with a professor. You post a review on
Do you want to use your real name?
If you don't, is using a fake username the same as anonymous review?
Is your review not legitimate if you don't use your real name?
Being anonymous is a great way to troll. This system will easily get abused.

How is that any worse than this?

Waindigo, I just rated all of your modifications 5 stars just because of your Library add-on.

The pagination in your add-on makes this a replacement for the Simple Manga Comics Image Viewer add-on.

Basically what this means is that I can create a page for each comic page.

Inside the post or page I can do this:


This way when they click the picture it will go to the next page.

For example:

If you click on the image it brings you to the next page.

The system can be gamed either way. Checks and balances are what keeps thing fair.
How is that any worse than this?

The system can be gamed either way. Checks and balances are what keeps thing fair.
I used all his modifications but I wouldn't have reviewed them otherwise. His Library add-on is friggin awesome. Because it was awesome, it made me want to review his other add-ons. Sometimes when someone's product is awesome, it makes you want to use their other add-ons and/or buy them. For instance, I bought all of Robbo's other modifications because I liked his donation manager add-on. Didn't even need the other ones he made. The opposite reaction of this is if someone hated a modification so much, they went and negatively reviewed all of your other add-ons. The best way to do something like that is anonymously, which is how the system will be abused.
The opposite reaction of this is if someone hated a modification so much, they went and negatively reviewed all of your other add-ons. The best way to do something like that is anonymously, which is how the system will be abused.
There isn't anything you can do about this. Saying anonymous review isn't legitimate is not the answer.
If a product has 1,000 reviews, a few negative reviews are expected and should not affect the overall rating.
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