Replace TaigaChat Icons With Font Awesome

Replace TaigaChat Icons With Font Awesome


Well-known member
Sheldon submitted a new resource:

Replace TaigaChat Icons With Font Awesome - The others are so... MEH...

Ensure you have the ability to use Font Awesome. If you don't, there are plenty of guides around that will let you know how to do so. Some say to use it in one template, some say another is better. You can make that choice on your own.

Improving The Buttons

Go from this:

View attachment 80504

To this:

View attachment 80505

#taigachat_controls .taigachat_bbcode span.mce_bold:before {
    content: "\f032";...

Read more about this resource...
Thanks @Sheldon for this.
How would I change the color picker to 'something font awesome' and also the smilie button to font awesome icon?
How would I change the color picker to 'something font awesome' and also the smilie button to font awesome icon?
#taigachat_colorpicker span.taigachat_bbcode_color:before {
    content: "\f1fc";
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-size: 15px;

.button.taigachat_bbcode {
    min-width: 22px


#taigachat_controls span.taigachat_bbcode_smilie:before {
    content: "\f118";
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-size: 15px;
This is great stuff the old icons really look outdated! One question though, how can I change the icon on the send/submit button the >. Been searching like crazy can't get it done.

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