Duplicate Certain Font Awesome icons not working on BBCode button manager

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Title says it all. When creating custom drop-down menus in the toolbar, not every icon seems to work for some reason.
The one I'm testing, in particular is "fa-gamepad". I've tried all variations, tried using "far fa-gamepad", "fa-gamepad", etc. and none seem to work.

What's weird is that it does show up everywhere except the actual toolbar itself:


Some more common icons do show-up, in particularly those being used in other parts of XF:

But anything that's not present elsewhere in the forums, results in the same issue:

Please keep in mind this particular issue only happens in the Editor Dropdown, with custom BBCodes it work as intended:

A work-around for this that I've found consists on adding the same icon to a custom BBCode, even if it's deactivated, which seems to result in the icon being properly loaded in the toolbar. So I'm guessing it's not an issue with FA implementation:

The problem is not exclusive to ACP.
When reverting things back, NOW the gamepad icon shows up, even if there's no longer a BBCode using the same icon. I'm guessing because maybe it got loaded into the configuration? This is a weird glitch.
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