Implemented Replace Members Page with...


Well-known member
vBulletin users, check your memberlist.php stats (pageviews, visits, etc). The same applies to those who operate other forum software - go check your member listing page stats.

You'll find that the numbers are really low.

The Members page on xenForo is no different. Isn't this a waste of valuable space? Are we missing out on an opportunity here?

The #1 rule when placing a link on the main navigation is to add links to sections that the visitor frequently visits. In other words, sections that have a lot of traffic. More than likely these are sections that you want people to visit - sections that have fresh content.

What if the Members page was a central hub for member activity such as Groups, Photos, News Feed, Online Members, etc? How much more valuable would this space become?

We currently don't have a Groups or Gallery addon but these are features that will definitely come either by 3rd party or by xenForo themselves. Wouldn't it be cool if we can add these features to the Members page via hooks?

Another issue I have with the Members page is that it lists all members by default. In time, everyone will be introduced to members with funny looking names - all starting with non-alphanumeric names. 99.9% of the time these members are not even active.

With a central hub, I recommend listing Online Members (avatars). The thinking behind this is that we promote those who are currently active - the more active you are the more exposure you get.

For those who are visual learners, here's a mockup of what I described above...

Remember the goal is to create a section (page) that is "valuable" to us (individually). The central hub can be different for everyone.

I call it Community Central :)) I didn't know what to call it)
Upvote 83
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Generally I tend to use it like a contact list. On my particular site when I get around to it I'm looking to hook PSN, XBL, WiiID, etc. info into them.
Sounds like you want a contact list.
Not a member's list.
Contact lists are helpful.
In Xenforo you would "follow" the people you want to have PSN numbers for.
Jaxel has a cool member card -
Hover over the PSN for Malice.
Cool popup !

On other forms I find it handy to find other members and also if when I can't remember a url for a forum I can google my username as the profile links normally show up.
Surely there are better ways to do this ?

Accessing other member's profiles is helpful.
The alphabetical list of 474 member pages
isn't particularly useful.
and is a major spam target as unregistered members can see member's profiles.
why not have something different than just a boring member-list ?

Something more appealing like this would be great:

There might be some ideas from that website for XenForo ?
Like e.g. photo-album, profile-page, etc.

Also would be cool to have members being able to "raise their profile", meaning members would pay to have their profile listed higher within the "Members List", similar to "featured members".
This would also make a great source of income for XF Forum-webmasters.
This has been mentioned elsewhere, but the members' list in it's current state will most likely be changed. This idea obviously relies on some things that don't exist, though the news feed could be used as alternative. Most likely, I'd probably put a "top members" type view in place of what we have, such as top trophy/like/posters. The A-Z list is really not of much use beyond a small community.

Mike and I have been talking for some time about doing away with the alphabetical members list. It seems completely pointless and redundant to todays online world.

that mockup got me all exciting about XenForo. too bad it is gone....
maybe just keep the memberslist as it is but in the admin area put hooks like he suggested with on and off so people may turn on the ones they like.....
I wish I could find a plugin that does that! O_O

Jaxel! Where are ya buddy? Can you please release this as a plugin!?
<a href="" title="" class="PreviewTooltip" target="_blank" data-previewurl="members/seven7swords.6612/playstation">DBR87</a>

Clues: PreviewTooltip & data-previewurl

The memberlist is most valuable for getting
  • third party contact data - skype, email, icq
  • userids / usernames in addition with basic former behavior statistics

The memberlist is great for spam bots, so you can even market your spam messages based on the basic data included in the list.
This has been mentioned elsewhere, but the members' list in it's current state will most likely be changed. This idea obviously relies on some things that don't exist, though the news feed could be used as alternative. Most likely, I'd probably put a "top members" type view in place of what we have, such as top trophy/like/posters. The A-Z list is really not of much use beyond a small community.
Mike and I have been talking for some time about doing away with the alphabetical members list. It seems completely pointless and redundant to todays online world.
Any updates on these? Were they put on a to-do list or disregarded completely? It'd be great to revamp the members page to be more than an A-Z of members.
On small sites like mine of 100 - 300 members an A-Z list id very useful so please don't scrap it as an option.

I like the way XF creates a natural sentence out of the basic data.

It would be great to be able to easily add profile fields to it as columns.
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Plus a dropdown for admin
Members with no posts this week / this month
[10 / 100 members highest post count.
[10 / 100] members most Likes.
[10 / 100] oldest
[10 / 100] youngest
All UK
All Europe
All with [Location] not filled in.
This week's/ today's birthdays
This has been mentioned elsewhere, but the members' list in it's current state will most likely be changed. This idea obviously relies on some things that don't exist, though the news feed could be used as alternative. Most likely, I'd probably put a "top members" type view in place of what we have, such as top trophy/like/posters. The A-Z list is really not of much use beyond a small community.

Oh, I wasn't talking about replacing the alphabetical member list with a non-alphabetical member list, I was talking about removing the member list completely.
It would appear there is some resistance to that idea however.

How about an option to remove the Member's Tab completely ? ... or make it an admin/mod only thing ?
With member's names showing up in searches now .... isn't it really time to get rid of it ?
Recent Activity would be used more if it was in the Forums Tab anyway. :)
It I could, I would delete members.php .... I would

The member's list has been abused on every site I have ever been a member on, been staff on, or have administrated, myself.

All it is ever used for is spam or senseless drama. It uses far too much resources then it is actually "claims" to be worth.
The screenshot was removed from this suggestion so it's not possible to see what the mockup was now.

Regardless, the member page has completely changed for 1.2 so I am marking this as implemented/resolved.

Feel free to make new suggestions based on the new member page, when it is rolled out.
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