Implemented Replace Members Page with...


Well-known member
vBulletin users, check your memberlist.php stats (pageviews, visits, etc). The same applies to those who operate other forum software - go check your member listing page stats.

You'll find that the numbers are really low.

The Members page on xenForo is no different. Isn't this a waste of valuable space? Are we missing out on an opportunity here?

The #1 rule when placing a link on the main navigation is to add links to sections that the visitor frequently visits. In other words, sections that have a lot of traffic. More than likely these are sections that you want people to visit - sections that have fresh content.

What if the Members page was a central hub for member activity such as Groups, Photos, News Feed, Online Members, etc? How much more valuable would this space become?

We currently don't have a Groups or Gallery addon but these are features that will definitely come either by 3rd party or by xenForo themselves. Wouldn't it be cool if we can add these features to the Members page via hooks?

Another issue I have with the Members page is that it lists all members by default. In time, everyone will be introduced to members with funny looking names - all starting with non-alphanumeric names. 99.9% of the time these members are not even active.

With a central hub, I recommend listing Online Members (avatars). The thinking behind this is that we promote those who are currently active - the more active you are the more exposure you get.

For those who are visual learners, here's a mockup of what I described above...

Remember the goal is to create a section (page) that is "valuable" to us (individually). The central hub can be different for everyone.

I call it Community Central :)) I didn't know what to call it)
Upvote 83
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I agree with the idea of removing the member list as it currently stands. However if it was replaced with something much more social-based like what was mentioned in the first post, then of course it would stay and then simply provide a link to view all members and have sorting options there. :)
Thanks :). XenForo already gives us more then vBulletin now, with the Your News Feed functionality,...

Yes, isn't it sad.. when I was running vB I joined in the choir to ask/beg/plead for a news feed function... Now I am running IPB I have done the same thing and it has fallen on deaf ears and the answer is always the same...

Isn't it exciting to be part of a community where the developers are forward thinking!!!

Oh, I wasn't talking about replacing the alphabetical member list with a non-alphabetical member list, I was talking about removing the member list completely.

It would appear there is some resistance to that idea however.

Remove it ! It's not really useful.
How are you using the Member's tab ?
I'd like to give my input.

I have admincp -> options -> options -> Search Options -> Search Results per Page = 100
When I go to my Members tab I am viewing 100 members / page.
If one of my moderators has a vague idea what a members name is that they are searching for then they can go from page to page and search in their browser for that phrase (control-F). Having that list is quite important to me because then my moderators who don't have access to the admincp can find people with partial usernames.

Obviously they could use the Member search if they knew what the first few letters of the actual name is, but not if the it is something only in the middle of a name.

For instance if someone was on another forum and was typing certain 'interesting' things, occasionally it is really nice for a moderator to be able to search for the member by browsing and searching through the member list. Someone might be members of several forums related to the same subject matter and may have several different user names on each forum, but with a common phrase in it:
'Random21168UserName', '....21168....', 'abcd21168xyz', etc all have the 21168 in common. It could take a while to find the right person, but eventually they would be found.

And to be honest, I like the fact that regular members can browse the Members page to see who might be on it they they may not have ever considered searching for. For instance if a forum is about politics, and an interesting political person is a member, some visitors may be more apt to join.
Your examples show why admins and moderators should have access to the Member's Tab.
These functions could easily be allowed in the adminCP and modCP.
Xenforo allows unfettered access of the member's tab to GUESTS !
We've already seen Spam Bots have targeted the Member's Tab.
So far Spam Bots are using the Member's Tab alot more than admins and members are :)

Dean: I like the fact that regular members can browse the Members page to see who might be on it they they may not have ever considered searching for.
This is a niche use and is rarely done. It is so rare, the problems associated with the Member's Tab don't really outweigh the benefits. I suspect more people are ANNOYED that their information is searchable by other members than actual members doing the searching !

For instance if a forum is about politics, and an interesting political person is a member, some visitors may be more apt to join.
Surely there is a better way to accomplish what you desire !
Especially when we know ... people aren't searching the Member's Tab that much.

As this thread suggests, a more "Social" Members Tab could be useful. But then it wouldn't be a members Tab really, it would be a Social Tab.

Recent activity is useful (and it probably should be the default Tab in Members).
The alphabetical list of Registered Members really is not useful at all.
Current Visitors ... is more useful in the forums area.

I don't really care about the Member's tab.
I only got involved when I read that Kier was almost thinking of not having a Member's Tab .... and that part I found interesting. I also find it interesting that people harped on him to "Keep it".
The only thing guests can see in my members list is the
  • username
  • title
  • location
  • number of messages
  • number of likes
  • and number of trophy points.
And all of those items is a sub-set of the information in the member cards. If they click on the users name this error is a result: You must be logged-in to do that.

I"m not suggesting that another page could not be useful, such as a more socially oriented page, but I would rather keep the members list that was accessible to the general public somewhere

Just wanted to give my input.
How are you using the Member's tab ?
Generally I tend to use it like a contact list. On my particular site when I get around to it I'm looking to hook PSN, XBL, WiiID, etc. info into them.

On other forms I find it handy to find other members and also if when I can't remember a url for a forum I can google my username as the profile links normally show up.
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