XF 2.2 Need to make certain Threads & Members page Noindex


We wanted to make the members page and certain threads noindex. I followed the instructions suggested by Chromaniac, https://xenforo.com/community/threads/noindex-members-pages.152975/page-2.

Added, <xf:head option="metaNoindex"><meta name="robots" content="noindex" /></xf:head> in member_view template
and for Threads added the following code in thread_view template,

<xf:set var="$threadNoIndex">
<xf:callback class="XF" method="getNoIndexThreadId" params="[$thread.thread_id]"></xf:callback>
<xf:if is="$threadNoIndex == 'true'">
<xf:head option="metaNoindex"><meta name="robots" content="noindex" /></xf:head>

But the changes are not reflecting.

Also, I did come across a thread on this forum that said PAGE_CONTAINER also can mess up things, but the PAGE_CONTAINER template does not have <meta name="robots" content="noindex">

Please let me know where I am going wrong or what can be done to make these pages noindex. Its impacting our SEO.

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