[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
1. I think my moderators can not access the forms. When clicking post thread, it shows this rather than a survey:


2. I checked the permissions via Analyze permissions -> Node permissions -> entered moderator name and selected the forum. Here are the results:

xenforo advanced.png

3. Once I move my moderators to another group, for example, a normal registered group, they can post threads.

What could be the reason for it? What should be wrong in settings? @sbj , thank you for your answer.

Thank you so much if anyone can answer to help me solve the problem:)
1. I think my moderators can not access the forms. When clicking post thread, it shows this rather than a survey:
Well, in your initial post you said "My moderators can not submit a new thread." and now you say they have no access to the forms. Those are different things.

From your screenshot above it looks like they can submit a new thread. So, probably you meant they can't access the forms.

That is controlled by the user criteria in the addon's settings.. If your form is under a type, then first you have to check that type in ACP and look at its user criteria. Could you post a screenshot of that? And then go to the form in ACP and the user criteria of that must be configured correctly. (The user criteria system is a core feature of XF which is found in many addons and in the core software.)
So, much likely your criteria is set wrongly, if you post both screenshots, I can take a look at it.

If you are confused what settings I mean, see the documentation 4.3 and the folliowing 4.3.1 for types: https://snogssite.com/threads/advanced-forms-documentation.3677/#message-anchor-43 and the same thing for the forms in 5.2 and 5.2.1: https://snogssite.com/threads/advanced-forms-documentation.3677/#message-anchor-52
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Hi @sbj , sorry for my Improperly use of the word "submit", you are right.


Registered user permissions:

Moderators permissions:
Well, all looks fine. The registered usergroup has access as we can see.

Now the only left conclusion would be that your moderators are not in the registered usergroup.

Can you check if your moderator x is in the usergroup registered?

For that go to ACP->Users->List all users->filter the name of your mod->click on his name-> and there you can see his primary and secondary usergroups.

As I said, all users, including admins and mods should be in the registered usergroup primarily. The secondary usergroup should be used to put users in additional usergroups, such as mods or admins.

If all of that looks okay, write me a pm, send me an admin account, and I will check it for you to find the problem.

PS: From your permission screenshots I can see that you don't quite understand how the XF permission system works. It doesn't hurt in this case but you have duplicate "Yes" permissions IF you followed the rule of that every user should be in the registered usergroup. If not, then you made a bit mess I would say which still can work but could mean a lot of problems later when you add more and more usergroups to the system.
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@sbj , Great, it works for me!

I found all my moderators' primary user groups are moderators and the second user group is moderators. I put their primary user group to a registered user group, now it works very well for me.

Big thanks for your explanations. You made my day.
Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Advanced Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.2 Update 2.2.0 Beta 8

danger GIF
Warning Sign GIF

Now That Ive got your attention:

  • Fixed storing conditional answers to database
  • Fix: breaking form submit log layout with deleted forms
  • Fixed error if forum for new thread is deleted

Read the rest of this update entry...
What's the rationale for requiring user criteria on the individual forms? I can see you can set criteria on form types and individual forms, but it's required when adding forms. I want a form to be submittable by anybody, logged in or guest, but can't seem to configure this. I suppose I can set "User is a member of any of the selected user groups" and select Registered and Unregistered, but that's a bit obtuse. Just wondered if there was a reason it had to have criteria set.
Isn't this the default XF way anyway? Say you want to add a notice and display it to everyone. You do the same there, too, no?

But that question is better be asked to the original creator @Snog .

It requires at least one criteria to be set. I guess he did it to exclude edge cases and make sure there is always one present.

That is not the only thing required for every form, see:


All of these things must be set in each form no matter what.

And the way you explained is the correct way. Selecting "registered and unregistered" as user criteria is the way to go.
Isn't this the default XF way anyway? Say you want to add a notice and display it to everyone. You do the same there, too, no?
No - with default XF, if setting up something like a notice, leaving the user criteria empty means it matches everybody. I need the same thing here. Picking those usergroups works but just isn't consistent with user criteria across XF.
That is not the only thing required for every form, see:

View attachment 257798

All of these things must be set in each form no matter what.
I know everything else is required, the others are fine, was only querying the user criteria.
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Reactions: sbj
What's the rationale for requiring user criteria on the individual forms? I can see you can set criteria on form types and individual forms, but it's required when adding forms. I want a form to be submittable by anybody, logged in or guest, but can't seem to configure this. I suppose I can set "User is a member of any of the selected user groups" and select Registered and Unregistered, but that's a bit obtuse. Just wondered if there was a reason it had to have criteria set.
There is a method to the madness...

You can have a TYPE that only includes say 2 user groups, and you can have different FORMs in that TYPE that only allow people that meet additional criteria to fill them out, such as number of posts, number of resources, etc.. So two different criteria settings are needed to do that.

Also you can have FORMS both with and without TYPES. Again to do that you need separate criteria settings.

To do what you want, do not put the FORM in a TYPE and do exactly as you said. Select Registered and Unregistered in the "User is a member of any of the selected user groups" and you should be good to go if everything is still working properly.

It's been quite a while (years) since I did anything with the forms system but you may also need to either set the forum where the thread is posted to allow posting by unregistered users OR set a username in the FORM that has permission to post in the forum so unregistered forms actually post. I honestly don't recall which works.
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@Ozzy47 I checked the code I have (which is obviously very old) for the criteria checks.

If you want to allow matching of unset (empty) criteria change any criteria checks from
$value->checkUserCriteriaMatch($user, false, false)
$value->checkUserCriteriaMatch($user, true, false)
I'm pretty sure that would allow an empty criteria match, but I can't test it.
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Hi, today when I used a normal user account to submit a new thread, it shows a service error:

  • Error: Call to a member function getPollCreator() on null
  • src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php:1545

What should I do?

I just updated from beta 7 to the beta 9 version, still have the same problem.
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Oops! We ran into some problems

Error: Call to a member function getPollCreator() on null in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php at line 1548
  1. Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form->createThread() in src/addons/Snog/Forms/Pub/Controller/Form.php at line 761
  2. Snog\Forms\Pub\Controller\Form->actionSubmit() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 350
  3. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 257
  4. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 113
  5. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 55
  6. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2344
  7. XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 512
  8. XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20

I am using Xenforo v2.2.6 Patch 2. I can update to XenForo 2.2.7 Patch 1, but a little worried about it.
@Ozzy47 , Sorry, it is a typo, I am using Beta 10 the last version.

Tried with an Admin account, the same problem. Now this section can not create a new thread, other sections are okay.
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I have several forms and only 2 of them have this problem.

I found forms with" option "normal poll" - "normal poll", Check this box if you would like to create a normal poll when this form is submitted." have this problem.

When I remove this option, everything is ok, I can create a new thread.

So the problem is that you can not submit and create a poll at the same time
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