Fixed  Not getting advised of watched topics

I keep on getting updates on this thread. However, now I get too many?
For example, I got Brogan and Erik's messages as new notification. I should of get only Brogan's...
I need to add debugging code to figure this out, as it's intermittent. And with the amount of stuff coming up (and the amount of threads I'm watching), it's very easy to miss when it happens to see if there's standard logic to it.
Yeah, I can change my password if you wish so you can login to my account to test - it's not intermittent for me - I don't get any at all.
I've just gotten a notification! yay! :D Thanks Mike or Kier or whoever got it fixed.

...we need a thumbs up smilie. :D
I think this is fixed. Let me know if you still have problems.

The underlying issue had to do with an interaction with a NULL value in a query (from the forum read table).
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