Moderator Essentials

Moderator Essentials [Paid] 2.6.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
My User Essentials has a 'can reply to other threads' permissions, but otherwise I'm not sure about what you are asking
My User Essentials has a 'can reply to other threads' permissions, but otherwise I'm not sure about what you are asking

Looking for a function that allows me to moderate replies for specific threads where replies get sent to approval queue first before they appear publically.
It'd be nice if this addon had some way for us to view a list of members with warnings, both active and expired, so we can better track problem members. XF base doesn't have a way to search/count member warnings.
I already have a free add-on which does Thread title edit history;
User Essentials has the username change functionality, but a forced username change can only happen from the admincp. I probably can add Moderator Essentials support (with a permission) for moderators to force a namechange
I probably can add Moderator Essentials support (with a permission) for moderators to force a namechange

Please add this functionality, I have Purchased this add-on. One more bug, Phrases showing in List Display Order option. Also does not showing Mod log Items count bar.

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Is there supposed to be a warning shown or a limit if a moderator tries to input the more than 30 days for modess_mod_log_search_max_days? If they enter more than 30 it goes back to 1 but doesn't let them know, so it looks like there just aren't any results (unless they're less than one day old).
After successfully installed it yesterday, I keep getting new alerts after my moderators made some few moderations today even i had several times checked on the same moves he did - there were the old ones. Did i missed any setting here?

Same issue here. Did you ever find a fix?
The unread tracking is per-session from memory and honestly rather brittle. I'll need to check how you can force it to be invalidated or if it is being dumb and tracking something you can't see

I like that you can see banned members in the moderator control panel. Is there a way to set it so you can see all warned users in this control panel too?
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