Moderation Macros

Moderation Macros [Paid] 1.2.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)
The add-on is nice, but I have a few issues:

  • The add-on allows moderators to set actions for every forum, even ones they don't have access to see. For example, someone can set up a macro to move and sticky a thread in an admin forum, even though they cannot access said forum.
  • Another issue is that the mobile version is completely unusable. Not sure if anyone else has this issue. Everything is jumbled and doesn't work correctly because you can't see it properly.
  • You also cannot delete a macros you didn't create. The admins (or whoever else) can't go through and delete extraneous macros that people share.

Once these issues are addressed, we will be happy with our purchase. If you need any further info, let me know.
The add-on allows moderators to set actions for every forum, even ones they don't have access to see. For example, someone can set up a macro to move and sticky a thread in an admin forum, even though they cannot access said forum.
This is a bug and I just fixed it on my end. Sorry about that. I'll post an update shortly (next day or two)

You also cannot delete a macros you didn't create. The admins (or whoever else) can't go through and delete extraneous macros that people share.
This is as-designed but I suppose a permission setting to override it would be useful.

Another issue is that the mobile version is completely unusable. Not sure if anyone else has this issue. Everything is jumbled and doesn't work correctly because you can't see it properly.
I'll look into fixing this.
Also forgot to mention that you don't get a moderation action history when using a macro. Additionally, it seems that when deleting a thread a macro was used on, it still will show up in the forum listing if it was the last replied thread in that forum (even though the thread isn't there anymore).
Also forgot to mention that you don't get a moderation action history when using a macro.
That's a good point.

Additionally, it seems that when deleting a thread a macro was used on, it still will show up in the forum listing if it was the last replied thread in that forum (even though the thread isn't there anymore).
Hmm. I'll have to check into that one.
Any chance to raise characters limit for Macro Title?
50 characters is so low, because when Moderator choose macro from thread menu, he see only title of macro, and if you have many macros, moderator can not remember what that macro will do for that thread. He can see only in moderation macros menu, but not when use macro in thread.
So, because of that I have to name my macros with long explanation title (aka thread closed, prefix set to solved, post posted...)

Will be nice too if prefix list will show only prefixes enabled for that node for which macro is choosed.

Links for edit/delete macros should not be visible if user do not have option for create/delete macros.

Small avatar beside macros are set to default xenforo avatar, not to user avatar.

It would be good if moderators have option to view macros in shape when you creating macro, but without option to change anything, because then they could see, for example, reply post content, if is seted to macro have reply post.

Any chance to Prepend Title could have 1 space for last character, and Append title one space for first character?

Thread name: Macros
Append title: (closed)

If you use append title for that thread it will ended Macros(closed), but it should be Macros (closed)
Empty space between title and append title

Thanks @Daniel Hood for your effort (y)
I purchase this add-on because I needed to prepend a username in many thread titles, it worked once: the username was added, but without any space before. so the final title was unreadable.
after that, this add-on doesn't stop sending errors every time I try to use it....

Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xD9' for column 'title' at row 1

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 632
Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1654
XenForo_DataWriter->_update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1623
XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1419
XenForo_DataWriter->save() in ModerationMacros/Extend/Model/Thread.php at line 201
ModerationMacros_Extend_Model_Thread->applyModerationMacro() in ModerationMacros/Extend/Model/InlineMod/Thread.php at line 84
ModerationMacros_Extend_Model_InlineMod_Thread->useModMacro() in ModerationMacros/Extend/ControllerPublic/InlineMod/Thread.php at line 18
ModerationMacros_Extend_ControllerPublic_InlineMod_Thread->actionApplyModerationMacro() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/...../public_html/index.php at line 13
it seems also when its working, some titles are truncated .. is it possible to keep title lenght to XF default?
Any chance to Prepend Title could have 1 space for last character, and Append title one space for first character?

Thread name: Macros
Append title: (closed)

If you use append title for that thread it will ended Macros(closed), but it should be Macros (closed)
Empty space between title and append title
I needed to prepend a username in many thread titles, it worked once: the username was added, but without any space before.
Any chance to raise characters limit for Macro Title?

Small avatar beside macros are set to default xenforo avatar, not to user avatar.

Any chance to Prepend Title could have 1 space for last character, and Append title one space for first character?

it seems also when its working, some titles are truncated .. is it possible to keep title lenght to XF default?
Well, that's the reason it gets truncated.. to get it down to the xf default title length. Am I missing something? Could you provide an example? I'm not real sure how to handle the problem of appending/prepending titles putting them over the allowed character limit.

I purchase this add-on because I needed to prepend a username in many thread titles, it worked once: the username was added, but without any space before. so the final title was unreadable.
after that, this add-on doesn't stop sending errors every time I try to use it....
I assume this hasn't something to do with the characters being appended/prepended.

The add-on allows moderators to set actions for every forum, even ones they don't have access to see. For example, someone can set up a macro to move and sticky a thread in an admin forum, even though they cannot access said forum.

Another issue is that the mobile version is completely unusable. Not sure if anyone else has this issue. Everything is jumbled and doesn't work correctly because you can't see it properly.
Fixed. Thanks to @Russ.
I assume this hasn't something to do with the characters being appended/prepended.
Can you explain what do you mean? is this a question?
Well, that's the reason it gets truncated.. to get it down to the xf default title length. Am I missing something? Could you provide an example? I'm not real sure how to handle the problem of appending/prepending titles putting them over the allowed character limit.
Titles showed fully when I added the same words manually, they are truncated only when I used this addon.
I cant provide examples now unfortunately, I have removed your addon and Im now using another one for the job.
I have a very small board, but stuff like this makes me want it, just because it's such nice work. =) I hope to one day NEED this mod. ;)
I bought this and love it. One thing my forum staff has asked for are the following two capabilities:

  • Text replacement: It'd be very nice to have some replacement tokens they can put in the reply and/or conversation text. For example replacing things like {{threadcreator}} with the OP's username, the same with {{forumname}}, {{threadtitle}}, or maybe even {{threadcreatorrank}} for the user's forum rank at the time, and {{threaddays}} for the number of days the thread has existed. Anything cool you can think of here would be amazing-- the OP's username is the most important for us (so you can respond to the OP by name to reduce confusion who you are responding to on a thread).

  • View/Modify shared macros: It'd be nice to be able to view and modify (via a special permission?) other user's shared macros. As a team it is difficult to make good shared macros without collaborating on them and working together to keep them up-to-date.

Thanks again for such a nice plugin. So far it's working quite well.
I bought this and love it. One thing my forum staff has asked for are the following two capabilities:

  • Text replacement: It'd be very nice to have some replacement tokens they can put in the reply and/or conversation text. For example replacing things like {{threadcreator}} with the OP's username, [...] the OP's username is the most important for us (so you can respond to the OP by name to reduce confusion who you are responding to on a thread).

Thanks again for such a nice plugin. So far it's working quite well.

I need that, too. Considering buying this if this gets implemented. Any plans?
Seems like there's a nasty little bug in this where it seems to always be chopping the title of threads down to 50 characters in length (even in macros that don't prepend/append anything to titles). I assume this was an accident while trying to plan how to handle prepend/postpend title strings and max title length.

To fix this in my own build, I just changed:

ModerationMacros\Extend\Model\Thread.php (Line 143)
$dw->set('title', substr($title, 0, 50));
changed to
$dw->set('title', substr($title, 0, 150));  // max title length is 150
May or may not be the right long-term fix, but we only noticed this after chopping dozens of thread titles and we needed a fix fast.

Question for the developer: Just to be clear, do we expect to see new features/fixes/updates to this now that it's under new management? There's a few requests in this thread that would be really nice to have.
@Mattie Casper thanks for the heads up. I've applied a better fix for the next 1.1.2 release, while continue working on 1.2.0

I'm still working through my backlog of other bugfixes and such before I start planning out new features. I've done some cleanup & bugfixing already for this add-on but was pulled onto others add-ons.

I've added your suggestions to my issue tracker and will aim to get those into the next version.
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