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MetaMirror 1.6.1

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Hi @Mick West

I used the MetaMirror Rehosting Test Tool and committed 5 images or so, but they do not show in the Attachment Browser?
Is this the correct behavior and when using the test tool they do not show or when I Enable MetaMirror Image Rehosting these will bem placed in the Attachment Browser?

Related to the previous question, just found out that attached images have the same date as the post.
I'm going to extend this to (optionally) rehost linked files, such as .pdf files.

Anyone have suggestions/requests/comments on this new feature?

Example usage, a link like:

Would be replaced by a locally hosted file or attachment. Also should handle inline links.
Has this feature been implemented? I would love to have this function because we get a lot of pdf links that go dead in time.
Thank you for this addon @Mick West its amazing.
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I see that a lot of my users have used google images. The link has a different structure and is not caught by the meta mirror:


The image url is really:

Please consider to add this because it is heavily used.
@Mick West Do you plan a XF2 version?

Yes, any chance to see it running on XF2 ?

Not any time soon. My forum (Metabunk) relies on too many old plugins, including a few custom ones I wrote, so it will be a while before I get around to upgrading it.

You might want to look at using the Image Proxy with lifetime of 0 (indefinite) as a replacement. It's under the Message options in XF1, not sure about XF2.
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Image proxy messes redirects up. I am happy to be rid of it. I will await your add-on. Probably will be 2019 when all our addons will be ready .
Not any time soon. My forum (Metabunk) relies on too many old plugins, including a few custom ones I wrote, so it will be a while before I get around to upgrading it.

You might want to look at using the Image Proxy with lifetime of 0 (indefinite) as a replacement. It's under the Message options in XF1, not sure about XF2.

I'm moving from SMF 2.0 to XenForo and your MetaMirror plugin is something that I really need. I don't allow hot-linking to images on other sites, I require all images to be posted as an attachment to preserve the integrity of the threads should the image disappear on the remote site. I'm still a n00b when it comes to XF and I'm running my converted site in a test domain right now. Since I am new to this, I am going straight to XF2. I'd be happy to pay for your plugin should you port it to XF2. :)
I'm moving from SMF 2.0 to XenForo and your MetaMirror plugin is something that I really need. I don't allow hot-linking to images on other sites, I require all images to be posted as an attachment to preserve the integrity of the threads should the image disappear on the remote site. I'm still a n00b when it comes to XF and I'm running my converted site in a test domain right now. Since I am new to this, I am going straight to XF2. I'd be happy to pay for your plugin should you port it to XF2. :)

I plan to update it eventually when I convert Metabunk over to XF2, but that's unlikely to be for a couple of months.

Alternatives are the Image Proxy (which is said above to "mess up"), and @AndyB's Convert Image paid add-on, which already has XF2 compatibility.
I have no board url, i have set $config['externalDataUrl'] =
i can use the test script, but i cant save any images.
Is there any way to spit our error messages, please?
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