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MetaMirror 1.6.1

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I'm maintaining it, as I use it constantly on my own forum. I have no plans to add features though.

It seems to work fine on 1.5. I updated yesterday, and images are being rehosted just the same. have not been able to extensively test the retroactive hosting though.

I'm going to use this addon but would like to know what can I do to fetch hundred of linked images I have now?


Since images are all saved in the same directory I would like to suggest a structure to house lots of images:


I'd this hard to implement?


I'm going to use this addon but would like to know what can I do to fetch hundred of linked images I have now?


There's a cron entry as part of the plugin that slowly scans old posts


Since images are all saved in the same directory I would like to suggest a structure to house lots of images:


I'd this hard to implement?


I'm not planning on adding any new features to Metamirror
Hi @Mick West

When running the test, systems tells 4 contents, but it does not display any post/sigs below.
Any idea of what is wrong ?

Thanks for support.

2016-01-05 00_34_57-Simulated Test Only _ Admin CP - Le forum des portables Asus.webp
@Mick West I will try it soon. What happens with 404 Images between IMG tags? Do you leave those untouched? Or are we able to remove the IMG tags and replace it with 'Image no longer available' or something like that?
Hi there,

I honestly love this addon however I have one issue.
My site has been victim of DDoS attacks frequently and to prevent this I've decided to go with Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a reverse proxy which hides your IP of your webserver.

With your addon, people are able to upload images to their own servers and have it log the IP that accessed the image.

I personally only need the addon for a single site ( Imgur has blocked all their images on my forum since I'm a commercial site. So could you make it configurable so only images from certain sites get hosted?
I'm willing to pay for this if needed.


Why not just use it for all sites? Cloudflare will help minimize the bandwidth costs of hosting the images. If you use TLS (https) for your forum (all forums should), you will need to rehost or cache the external images anyway.

As for imgur, this plugin will not help you with that. Your server can't use Cloudflare as a proxy to sneak around imgur's ban on your site, and Metamirror will not change that. If your site can't load images from imgur, metamirror will have nothing to store.
Why not just use it for all sites? Cloudflare will help minimize the bandwidth costs of hosting the images. If you use TLS (https) for your forum (all forums should), you will need to rehost or cache the external images anyway.
If I make it imgur only I don't have to worry about our backend IP getting leaked.
Otherwise members can upload images to their own servers and grab our IP there when the addon tries to download the image.

As for imgur, this plugin will not help you with that. Your server can't use Cloudflare as a proxy to sneak around imgur's ban on your site, and Metamirror will not change that. If your site can't load images from imgur, metamirror will have nothing to store.
The block is domain based.
If I make it imgur only I don't have to worry about our backend IP getting leaked.
Otherwise members can upload images to their own servers and grab our IP there when the addon tries to download the image.
Oh, I get what you're saying now.

I'm still not sure that, even with this Add-on and Cloudflare, you could pull images from imgur while it's blocking your domain.
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