joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates

Yeah, but I won't be installing 3.x for a little while. As my dear sainted silver haired mother always says, "never use an even numbered release".
Well, I did just perform the upgrade so when this is ready, I can test it with Joomla! 3.0 and xenForo 1.1.3 using xF as Master.

The only concern is that the xenForo registration uses an Ajax form and doesn't actually have a link. Like if you go to your forum and click Sign In, the URL didn't change. And if you click on create a new account, it probably sends you to yet if you try to go to this link through your browser, you just get an error.

This can be an issue when sending Joomla registration links to xenForo.
Just an update: I had to uninstall 3.0 due to some site issues. So I'm back to 2.5.
If you still have this and would like me to test with XF master then please advise.
Probably not the best place to post this, but I am a bit desperate, and you guys are talking about issues with the plugin I am having trouble with.
I have followed (this) tutorial probably the better part of 20 times at this point, everytime I get to the point where it tells you to configure XenForo plugin, for JFusion Extension, where you have to master/slave, that kind of thing. When I enter in the URL to my XenForo install location, I get this error everytime:

Fatal error: Declaration of JFusionMySQLi::Execute() must be compatible with that of JDatabase::execute() in /home/blank/public_html/tv/administrator/components/com_jfusion/models/mysqli.php on line 81

How can I fix this? It's seriously driving me nuts! Thanks for any help provided.
do you use latest jfusion-version?

Fatal error: Declaration of JFusionMySQL::Execute() must be compatible with that of JDatabase::execute() in /.../.../.../administrator/components/com_jfusion/models/mysql.php on line 80
This error message (or similar is caused by conflict between jfusion (1.7.5 and lower) and joomla 2.5.5)
Upgrade jfusion is the only option
Thank you so much! Can't believe I missed that or didn't try that. I thought I had to use 1.6 but I guess that is because that tutorial is way out dated.
Oooops, I was working on an older version. For the most recent version (as per the URL in my previous post), it'd be:

Line 28:

                        FROM '.JoomlaBridge_Helper_Joomla::getJoomlaSetting('dbprefix').'users u

Line 99:

              if ($response instanceof XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect && $response->redirectType == XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::SUCCESS)

-- hugh
Now I get this when I logout - Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in /library/JoomlaBridge/ControllerPublic/Logout.php on line 26

what is the current status of the bridge?

I do think we should focus on joomla version 2.5x, because this is the longterm version with the longest period of support. Version 3.x will be dropped earlier and change mor often.

For me it is critical, that the master database for userregistration is Xenforo.

Is there a plugin for joomla available to iframe/insert XF threads/first posting into Joomla frontpage?
Joomla 3.0 is not even ready for production sites and there is zero chance that the bridge will work with it, because yet again they changed basically everything in Joomla 3.0, making all extensions for 2.5 non-functional.

@Cheesegrits: I hope you didn't abandone this project like Coop without notice?

Edit: Last time he was online was at Oct 25, 2012. So it seems that yet again an unfinished project has been abandoned. Hooray!
I have finished porting my style to Joomla and am happy with the results. If you were on my Joomla site you would immediately think it's xenforo. The only thing that is left is a comment system. Without a bridge, I won't install one because I don't want people to register twice. That being said, is anyone willing to continue the work of Cheesegrits on the Joomla bridge? (Please only Joomla 2.5 since 3.0 is an unstable non-production release.)
Doubt it. All I'll be doing is the basic SSO (single signon) between J! and XF, using JFusion. So it synchronizes account creation and logons. It's working on my test site .... kinda. Working right now on an issue which is preventing logging out from XF.
And to be honest, I'm kind of waiting to see how the whole lawsuit bullcrap pans out. I love XF to bits, I loathe vB, and am desperate to get away from it ... but am holding off on any more serious work on the JFusion bridge until March 3rd, when we may know something about what direction the legal wranglings are going.

-- hugh
And to be honest, I'm kind of waiting to see how the whole lawsuit bullcrap pans out. I love XF to bits, I loathe vB, and am desperate to get away from it ... but am holding off on any more serious work on the JFusion bridge until March 3rd, when we may know something about what direction the legal wranglings are going.

-- hugh
you're not alone there brother
Well, apparently a settlement has been reached in the lawsuit, and it isn't going to trial. We don't yet know the terms of the settlement, and perhaps never will. Haven't seen any official response or roadmap yet, but am a lot more hopeful we can all get back on track making XF the world beating product it already is!

Anyway, yes, it should work with JomSocial, as AFAIK JomSocial triggers all the appropriate J! plugin hooks from the JUser API, which JFusion sits on to do it's magic.

So ... as soon as I see something official from KD committing to XF's future, I'll get back to work on this.
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