joomla-xF shared userregistration and templates


Well-known member
I would be very interested in the joomla-xF combined userregistration.

Also in combined templates, i.e. from rockettheme.

Could we raise a fund for it, so that it is really working without bugs?
Looks like Coop has dropped off the planet, his account here shows no activity since February, and the mod never got moved into the Resource Manager.

I badly need the JFusion plugin to stay alive, to the point that I'd be happy to take over maintenance of it. I'm a Joomla developer, very fmailiar with JFusion, and can find my way around XF well enough maintain the bridge.

Anyone know the protocol for adopting an orphaned mod, assuming I can't get hold of Coop?

-- hugh
Yes I did, and he's happy for me to take it over. I'm on vacation at the moment, but I'll jump on it when I get back. So far I've only found one bug that needs fixing in a J! 2.5 / JFusion 1.7 / xF 1.1.x setup, which is fairly simple looking issue when logging out.
Yes indeed. I'm hoping to use that feature for a few of my projects.

OK ... I'm back from my travels. I've fixed the logout bug, and now seem to have a working setup in J! 2.5.6 and XF 1.1.3. But I need to do some more testing, as so far I've just set up using my configuration requirements, which use Joomla as the master.

Once I've done a little more testing, I guess I'll need to re-release the package in the Resource Manager.

If anyone else wants to do some testing using the code from the original (now archived) thread here:

... you can fix the logout bugs by editing joomlaBridge/ControllerPublic/Logout.php, and modify the following:

Line 53:

                  $session = $this->_joomladb->fetchRow(
                                'SELECT s.session_id
                                FROM ' . $this->_Jconfig->dbprefix . 'users u
                                INNER JOIN ' . $this->_Jconfig->dbprefix . 'session s ON s.userid =
                                WHERE = ?', $email);

Line 71:

                  $this->_joomladb->delete($this->_Jconfig->dbprefix . 'session',

Line 135:

              if ($response instanceof XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect && $response->redirectType == XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::SUCCESS)

I'll be creating a github repo for it some time this week, will post the location here.

-- hugh
Oooops, I was working on an older version. For the most recent version (as per the URL in my previous post), it'd be:

Line 28:

                        FROM '.JoomlaBridge_Helper_Joomla::getJoomlaSetting('dbprefix').'users u

Line 99:

              if ($response instanceof XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect && $response->redirectType == XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::SUCCESS)

-- hugh
I spoke to Martin (Coop), he gave his blessing for me to take over the mod. Not sure if it makes more sense to unarchive that one, or for me to just create a new one in Resources?

Here was Martin's response to my email, btw:

Hi Hugh,
sorry, as you say, I just don't have the time to maintain this mod any more. Feel free to take it over. If you have any questions about how it works, I'll be happy to answer them as best I can.


-- hugh
I spoke to Martin (Coop), he gave his blessing for me to take over the mod. Not sure if it makes more sense to unarchive that one, or for me to just create a new one in Resources?

Here was Martin's response to my email, btw:

-- hugh

Create a new one please.
It's working, I'm running it on a J! 2.5.7 site with XF 1.1.3 and JFusion 1.6. There's a couple of code tweaks I detailed above, but the code as-is pretty much works.

I just need to do some more testing, or get some other folk to test, using XF as the master (I use J! as the master), and get the code up on github, before I create a new Resources page for it.
I plan to use XF as the master so I would happily test for you but I can't code so I need to be given a "How to for Dummies" manual. Oh and not to burst your bubble or anything... *don't kill the messenger!* but Joomla! now has a new upgrade... version... 3.0
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