@Paul B, but you fail to show a sense of entitlement when dealing with the meat on the bone... end user development/improvements. I think we ALL are more concerned with our own sites than someone else. To claim otherwise is simply a fallacious position.
Now, care to deal with the actual meat of the subject... .the lack of improvements for the end user of sites?
Granted, some will get great benefit of what has been presented... but there are MANY more end users of sites that would like stuff to be a little easier in their day to day visiting than admins.
As pointed out... the hassle of the inability to reuse attachments already uploaded, resulting in having to find and then upload an attachment again.
The fact that XF offers custom fields...but those custom fields are all but useless until they can be searched easily and consicesly.
It's not the "big things that bring in praise" but the small things that make things easier for the end user we are talking about... and things that have been ignored. Remind us all.... how long has SSO and/or webhooks been sitting out as a suggestion?
Never mind that there are still suggestions outstanding from 2010 that have not been acted upon in any way (some of which no longer even apply to XF in its current version). And many of those do deal with end user interaction.
And on old friend (an attorney) once told me... when you can't defend, deflect.