General 2.3 discussion

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What'll be the migration like from 2.2 to 2.3 in terms of template modifications? Will the system catch and notify of required edits? Sorry if asked, no time to read all posts.
You're the site admin of ragezone that is so freaking cool. Yes, it will prompt you to merge updated templates, and present you an interactive git style conflict diff for ones it can't auto merge.
Honestly.. as far as end user benefit ( the actual members of a site that supports the activity of such)... I haven't seen much from the XenForo developers to impress me. Yes, there has been crap posted that allows some extensions that will benefit the admins, which may impact a small portion... but as the actual end user of the script... still sorely lacking. We continue with the "push off onto 3rd party developers end-user extension of the script" that has been prevalent for years.
If you look at the XF offering and then other script providers in full honesty... you can see how poorly XF compares. And ultimately it comes down to the XF fixation on forcing extension of the script onto third parties where other scripts do so natively. Not everyone is a bottomless pit of money that can afford 3rd party add-ons out the wazoo.
I had a lot higher hopes after 3 years of basically nothing.. but they were dashed. Several of their offerings they brought forth were not even fully thought out/implemented... leaving basic features absent.
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Honestly.. as far as end user benefit ( the actual members of a site that supports the activity of such)... I haven't seen much from the XenForo developers to impress me. Yes, there has been crap posted that allows some extensions that will benefit the admins, which may impact a small portion... but as the actual end user of the script... still sorely lacking. We continue with the "push off onto 3rd party developers end-user extension of the script" that has been prevalent for years.
If you look at the XF offering and then other script providers in full honesty... you can see how poorly XF compares. And ultimately it comes down to the XF fixation on forcing extension of the script onto third parties where other scripts do so natively.
Honestly.. as far as end user benefit ( the actual members of a site that supports the activity of such)... I haven't seen much from the XenForo developers to impress me. Yes, there has been crap posted that allows some extensions that will benefit the admins, which may impact a small portion... but as the actual end user of the script... still sorely lacking. We continue with the "push off onto 3rd party developers end-user extension of the script" that has been prevalent for years.
If you look at the XF offering and then other script providers in full honesty... you can see how poorly XF compares. And ultimately it comes down to the XF fixation on forcing extension of the script onto third parties where other scripts do so natively. Not everyone is a bottomless pit of money that can afford 3rd party add-ons out the wazoo.
I had a lot higher hopes after 3 years of basically nothing.. but they were dashed. Several of their offerings they brought forth were not even fully thought out/implemented... leaving basic features absent.
Yeah but that is you. Remember you posted up threads about how you thought the staff were going and they infracted you.
So it won't surprise me if they jump in and tell you off again.
Can you focus on the positives just for your own sake?
onestly.. as far as end user benefit ( the actual members of a site that supports the activity of such)
Agreed. I see very little that I can promote to my users the way I did some of the features of 2.2. There's tools there I can use to create stuff that will benefit them (e.g. featured threads, style variations), but nothing they will see day one without effort from me. With 2.2, I could enable question threads in existing forums, setup the name change ability, promote ideas for article forums (and we did eventually get some going), and so on. I don't really see anything like that here. Not that excites me anyhow. This may be my first "boring" feature update for Xenforo.

That said, I do appreciate what I see and I know that it will benefit a certain class of sites (e.g. OAuth is geared more to organizations running multiple sites) but not really mine. Perhaps the next one that I am perpetually contemplating, but not Wondercafe2. We're small and mostly benefit from end-user facing features, not back end ones.

I will do the upgrade but treat it as a maintenance upgrade and not really do any promo around it. Test the final release version (not going to bother with beta testing this time, I don't think, unless something changes by the time the RCs come out) in my dev, do the upgrade, then start seeing what I can do with the new features if/when I have time.

3.0 might end up being optional for me barring some very compelling new features. The site's current activity level really doesn't merit the investment of time and money that a breaking upgrade would entail.
I'm looking forward to both 2.3 and 3 to come out.
I'm interested to know what the new style is going to look like in 3 whilst it's going to look great in 2.3.
Think of it like you do with the new updates of vbulletin. Upgrades are available but they're going away from the old styles.
Am already discussing with my crew about what sort of features they want on the forum.
Including the dark style that is supposed to come in

They're saying things like they like the styles currently as is.

So i'm sort of thinking of @Kier's idea of having two different coloured styles. Because that can work too.

I'm going to discuss this one further with my crew and we will see what we can come up with.
That said, I do appreciate what I see and I know that it will benefit a certain class of sites (e.g. OAuth is geared more to organizations running multiple sites) but not really mine. Perhaps the next one that I am perpetually contemplating, but not Wondercafe2. We're small and mostly benefit from end-user facing features, not back end ones.
Agreed... there is a sub-set of XF license holders this will benefit... but at the cost of a larger portion of their license holders that would like to see more end user benefits brought to the fore-front.
It seems that the XF developers have a fixation on "developer ease/extension" instead of core extension of the script for end-user benefits (I hate to pound this fact, but those end users are what keep your site alive, not other developers).
It seems that the says of XF developers actually thinking about the actual users interactions on a site have fallen by the wayside. It's a pity as "back in the day" XenForo pushed those very type features.... but now they depend on outside developers to offer more "ability" to their script, meanwhile, other script providers are doing the very opposite.
If SSO, which was the highest voted suggestion of all time with 346 votes, is only for a sub set of license holders, what does that say about suggestions with 50 votes?

Don't bother replying, I can already imagine what the response is going to be like.
but as the actual end user of the script... still sorely lacking.
There's not a huge amount of top voted suggestions that focus on our forum users. Was there something particular you are wishing for?

While a lot of the 2.3 features seem to focus on quality of life upgrades for admins, I think the stand out for me is the ability to feature more content types other than just discussions. It made no sense to me that I couldn't promote an actual resource to an article rather than just the discussion. I have been wanting to buy a few of @Bob 's add-ons as they are very much content generation and participation oriented, but like resources, I didn't want to have them hidden away behind tabs at the top of the page. "I have a dream", if you will, that I can curate a landing page that I can have articles, an old but great Showcase, an update to a Resource, the weekly results from a round of Pickem, a Blog entry, a member's fantastic thread, ..., you get the idea. This would let -me- find and promote the great content without having to leave it up to the users to dig to find it, while still letting them explore.

In reverse to @Mendalla, I have stayed on 2.1 but will upgrade to 2.3 for the features. In 2.2, the article threads are great but I already have an add-on for it. I don't need Q&A threads, and Giphy is fun but not really necessary. The other bits and pieces, username changes etc, weren't overly compelling for me, either. We're a strange lot with a wide range of needs, we forum owners. 🤣
I don't always visit this site or vote on suggestions, but IMO, XF would benefit from fleshing out the payment system so owners can better present options for account upgrades. Ad revenue doesn't pay the bills any more and providing forum owners with more robust features to monetize their members would be huge.
I don't always visit this site or vote on suggestions, but IMO, XF would benefit from fleshing out the payment system so owners can better present options for account upgrades. Ad revenue doesn't pay the bills any more and providing forum owners with more robust features to monetize their members would be huge.
The integration is decent ... A way for people to update their stripe cc info built in would be killer.

If SSO, which was the highest voted suggestion of all time with 346 votes, is only for a sub set of license holders, what does that say about suggestions with 50 votes?

Don't bother replying, I can already imagine what the response is going to be like.
Different strokes for different folks. I think it's a pretty neat feature for those that need it. I don't personally have a use case for it at the moment with my site but I'm glad it's there for people.

I wish more people would up vote suggestions over there! Come on people. :)
Wow it’s almost as if different customers have different priorities and needs. I think we’ll keep doing what we’re doing. Some releases will be better for some customers than others. And some customers will just be unhappy regardless of what we do.
Don't bother replying, I can already imagine what the response is going to be like.
Compared to the overall number of license holders... you tell us that.
You and I both know only a very small subset of license holders vote on items in the suggestion area... many of who fail to do so because stuff has set out there for a DECADE and not been acted upon after being highly voted/agreed with.
Wow it’s almost as if different customers have different priorities and needs. I think we’ll keep doing what we’re doing. Some releases will be better for some customers than others. And some customers will just be unhappy regardless of what we do.
They do... but the point I'm continuously trying to make... you are ignoring the most important user of a forum... the actual end user and making their interactions easier, not your admin or 3rd party developers. What XF has brought for the end user in the last 3 years is sorely lacking, especially when compared to your competitors.
Wow it’s almost as if different customers have different priorities and needs. I think we’ll keep doing what we’re doing. Some releases will be better for some customers than others. And some customers will just be unhappy regardless of what we do.
My crew have some things in mind when it comes to the new versions.
We're actually all excited for the new version to arrive because of what we can actually add to our site.

You get some people who are set in their ways and will get angry if things change.
This is where you have to deal with more stress. I'll expand on this one here. The same people who are angry are the ones who will be worried about all the addons and stuff that you addressed that they won't be needing anymore. The sort of language i'm getting can't really be repeated here.

I'm one that actually embraces the changes.
Am looking forward to what we actually see.
Probably would help if the Bug and suggestions nodes were organised and moderated better.

There's bug threads open with no resolution or awaiting answers from years ago. Or suggestions from years ago that aren't relevant.
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Agreed... there is a sub-set of XF license holders this will benefit... but at the cost of a larger portion of their license holders that would like to see more end user benefits brought to the fore-front.
It seems that the XF developers have a fixation on "developer ease/extension" instead of core extension of the script for end-user benefits (I hate to pound this fact, but those end users are what keep your site alive, not other developers).
It seems that the says of XF developers actually thinking about the actual users interactions on a site have fallen by the wayside. It's a pity as "back in the day" XenForo pushed those very type features.... but now they depend on outside developers to offer more "ability" to their script, meanwhile, other script providers are doing the very opposite.
Yet you will complain all the time. Probably not the right platform for you to be venting your spleen on here about those things.
They do... but the point I'm continuously trying to make... you are ignoring the most important user of a forum... the actual end user and making their interactions easier.
No, we’re not. We’re taking a balanced approach. Just because YOU don’t have a need or use for a specific feature doesn’t mean it isn’t benefiting customers AND THEIR USERS.

If you’re frustrated at making the same point “continuously” (as flawed as it is) perhaps you should stop making it.

You actually said something quite right earlier. There are only a subset of license holders that post here and I’m sick to death of an even smaller subset shouting the loudest. We’ll continue to do what we’re doing in the manner that we feel is best, and if you don’t like it, I suggest going somewhere else.
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