Font Awesome Manager

Font Awesome Manager 1.2.7

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Is it enough if I activate this option briefly and then deactivate it again when the icons have been added?
Yes. This is exactly the intended usecase for the option.

There are some styles, including Bolt from Pixelexit, where some icons are no longer displayed with FontAwesome. At least if you are still using an older version. How can I fix this quickly and easily?
Please read the FAQ on missing icons and act accordingly.

In any case, is there a special option for brand icons? Because Twitter and Facebook icons show without problems, the other 2 not.
There is no dedicated list for brands icons, just add them to list of icons (if not detected automatically) and it should work.
If not please read the FAQ on missing icons and act accordingly.

It's a Windows server so no way to install fonttools :(
Why? Python is available for Windows.

I keep getting this error:
It seems like is blocking XenForo. There isn't much that I could do to solve this.

So unless someone knows another free font subset webservice that could be used as an alternative the only option (which is the recommended option anyway) is to use Pyftsubset.

But now I'm trying to use it on a new, second site, and I can't get it to work. I'm using the same settings as my main forum (which are your default/recommended settings). But on this new site, all icons go missing as seen in @TheGroove's screenshot above.
Please read the FAQ on missing icons and act accordingly.

Please read the FAQ on missing/broken icons and act accordingly.
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There is no dedicated list for brands icons, just add them to list of icons (if not detected automatically) and it should work.
If not please read the FAQ on missing icons and act accordingly.
I didn't see the FAQ. Thanks, nice FAQ.

Well, it did not work, even though I added them manually to the list. However, doing the "detect automatically" solved the problem, don't know why. Thanks.
Well, it did not work, even though I added them manually to the list. However, doing the "detect automatically" solved the problem, don't know why.
I had already been through the FAQ a few times. I figured the detect automatically would work as that's what it does, but it didn't. Let me go try again and maybe I'll see some error codes that I can share.
The error that I get is
  • GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: GET resulted in a 403 Forbidden response: <html> <head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center> <hr> (truncated...)
  • src/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:113
but I don't think that's the same error mentioned in the FAQ?

Firstly, I think you quoted the wrong person ;)

Secondly, Kirby explained couple of messages ago, that the transfonter website is blocking all XF installations. Which means we can no longer use this web service. We have to install on our own servers Pyftsubset. In FAQ it is explained how to do so if you manage your own server. If not, ask your server guy to do it for you.

Thirdly, then re-check again and follow the last part of the FAQ.
I saw all of that as well, I just thought my error was different than the one we’re talking about. I see it now though. Thanks, I’ll have to go the backup route.
@TheGroove - I might be having the same issue.

@Kirby - I've been using this add-on since you launched it. It's my favorite add-on and always worked great on my forum.

But now I'm trying to use it on a new, second site, and I can't get it to work. I'm using the same settings as my main forum (which are your default/recommended settings). But on this new site, all icons go missing as seen in @TheGroove's screenshot above. Even with the default style.

If I uncheck "Load subsets only", they appear again. But I keep that checked on my main forum and it works. I can't figure out where the difference between my two sites is.
Same here, on a new site I have with almost no addons it works. On my main site it just shows square blocks, as I stated it's clearly not this modification but short of disabling all my addons I'm unable to find the cause.
1. We have a list of font items
2. The addon walks through templates and finds more font items
3. Maybe we have to add some font items per hand


Now we need to produce font files?
This happens automatically with a installed tool, but not with that online service anymore?

1. Can i use that online-service manually?

Upload the font files and insert the found definitions somehow? Tried that, but failed.

2. Server A cant use the font tools, maybe Server B can do that.
Can i copy the font items from forum A on Server A to a dummy forum B on server B?
Can i stop the addon from manipulating the font item lists and manually produce font files?

Forum A on Server A => collect all font items
Copy the lists to a dummy forum B on Server B
Stop manipulating lists on Server B
Produce font files on Server B
Copy font files to Server A

Is this possible, please?

Should be possible as long i can stop the addon from collecting font items on Server B.
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Fonts are something important, so some programers probably have build tools.
Can i just install a tool on my linux laptop, feed it with the lists from the addon to get files?
Can i produce font files just with a list of icons and such a tool without xenforo/addon?
@TheGroove - I might be having the same issue.

@Kirby - I've been using this add-on since you launched it. It's my favorite add-on and always worked great on my forum.

But now I'm trying to use it on a new, second site, and I can't get it to work. I'm using the same settings as my main forum (which are your default/recommended settings). But on this new site, all icons go missing as seen in @TheGroove's screenshot above. Even with the default style.
I am still facing this same issue but the other style is not in use on my forum so I can live without it.

If I uncheck "Load subsets only", they appear again. But I keep that checked on my main forum and it works. I can't figure out where the difference between my two sites is.
Unchecking this made it work on my main site, thank you for pointing it out. When I go here and test with this addon enabled and this unchecked I get 20 to 30 points faster on the speed test so there's no doubt it's working. For now I'll take it.
Unchecking this made it work on my main site, thank you for pointing it out. When I go here and test with this addon enabled and this unchecked I get 20 to 30 points faster on the speed test so there's no doubt it's working. For now I'll take it.
Icons missing with option "Load subsets only" set to Yes is usually an indicator that the icon is missing from one (or more) subsets.
=> Check the icons lists and add the missing icon(s) as explained in the FAQ.

It's only happens with FA Ozzy badges in help pages, nowhere else. Only FA badges are concerned.
Thanks for your help, for the moment i deactivate Ozzy badges addon.
This seems to be caused by a browser glitch (dimensions are not calculated correctly for embedded fonts as CSS property font-display: block is not set. This should not be necessary at all anyway as the font resource is ambeddded within the CSS and therefore no download happens, but ... Jesus knows why Chromium messes it up if this property is missing).

I'll release an updated version soon that should fix this.
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