Font Awesome Manager

Font Awesome Manager 1.2.7

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Honestly... I don't remember having to jump through any hoops to get this to work with Alma 8 (via CentMinMod) and that "normal" setup, other than installing the fonttools related functions.
On my local Ubuntu test/Dev server there was no need to do any of that. Was straight forward as just fonttools.

Same with my CentOS 7 server.

Alma took a few hours of trying and tweaking different things. No idea why. I tried this on a raw alma install and on my production Alma server and both needed tweaking to get it right.

Sometimes it's just luck of the draw I guess
Alma took a few hours of trying and tweaking different things. No idea why. I tried this on a raw alma install and on my production Alma server and both needed tweaking to get it right.
Ahh... the beauty of a solid base choice for a server solution... CentMinMod has not failed me in over 5 years of use. ;)
I had it installed in my freshly installed Alma8 with Centinmod without any problem. The installation was straight forward.
Also be careful about how you add a straight FA icon, you need to make sure you do class="fa fa-icon"
I'd actually recommend not to do this.

Why? Class fa will always render the icon as solid, no matter which Font Awesome style is selected for the style.
So unless the style is set to use Solid or it is required to use the icon in solid this needlessly increases the filesize of the solid font resource.

I'd therefore recommend to use the icon in the same weight that is used for the style or even bettter:
Use <xf:fa> if possible
I'd actually recommend not to do this.

Why? Class fa will always render the icon as solid, no matter which Font Awesome style is selected for the style.
So unless the style is set to use Solid or it is required to use the icon in solid this needlessly increases the filesize of the solid font resource.

I'd therefore recommend to use the icon in the same weight that is used for the style or even bettter:
Use <xf:fa> if possible
help 1708304098066.webp

#0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] chm...', '/var/www/hostin...', 117, Array)
#1 src/addons/Kirby/FontAwesomeManager/Processor/FontTools.php(117): chmod('/var/www/hostin...', 420)
#2 src/addons/Kirby/FontAwesomeManager/Processor/FontTools.php(41): Kirby\FontAwesomeManager\Processor\FontTools->createSubset('/var/www/hostin...', 'fa-brands-400', Array, Array)
#3 src/addons/Kirby/FontAwesomeManager/Helper.php(231): Kirby\FontAwesomeManager\Processor\FontTools->createSubsets(Array, '/var/www/hostin...', Array)
#4 src/addons/Kirby/FontAwesomeManager/Job/FontAwesome.php(826): Kirby\FontAwesomeManager\Helper->createSubsets(Array)
#5 src/addons/Kirby/FontAwesomeManager/Job/FontAwesome.php(133): Kirby\FontAwesomeManager\Job\FontAwesome->rebuildFontFiles(Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(260): Kirby\FontAwesomeManager\Job\FontAwesome->run(7.99245)
#7 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(202): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.99245)
#8 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(86): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.99245)
#9 job.php(43): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#10 {main}
The error message indicates that PHP is denied setting file permissions on the generated subset font file(s).
Setting permissions on those files is required for proper operation.

Find out why PHP can't set the permissions, fix that and the error should be gone.
Sad Doctor Who GIF

Thank you for a great add-on!
Hello @Kirby , Today i had upgraded to 2.3.0 without disabling this addon "Font Awesome Manager". Now i am not able to load the rich text editor in "Post New Thread". How to resolve this issue.
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