FAQ Manager by Iversia

FAQ Manager by Iversia 3.2.0

No permission to download
Is there anyway to hide the "All Questions" but keep the side bar for only categories you create?
In just the left sidebar? With the magic of CSS. Add this to your Extra.css file:

.iversia_faq_index .navigationSideBar ul ul li.section li:first-child {display: none}
Iversia updated [Iversia] FAQ Manager with a new update entry:

[Feature] Sitemap support for Xenforo 1.4

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this: do not remove or tamper with my copyright notice if you have not paid for removal. This includes modifying the files and messing with the file health check.

You may not redistribute this add-on. It is for download on Xenforo.com only.

For the rest of you awesome folks though (you know who you are): thank you!
  • [NEW] Support automatic XML sitemap building when used with XenForo 1.4

Read the rest of this update entry...
Okay, I'm super new at this... is there a guide to setting up a FAQ itself? I don't even know where to begin. I have it installed but now I'd like to add questions / answers and don't know how. Any help guys? :)

Okay, I'm super new at this... is there a guide to setting up a FAQ itself? I don't even know where to begin. I have it installed but now I'd like to add questions / answers and don't know how. Any help guys? :)


It's pretty simple. If you follow the installation and configuration instructions on the 'overview' of this resource, you will get it setup. Then when you see 'FAQ' in your navigation, you can begin adding your questions and answers by visiting http://www.yourforum.com/index.php?faq/ and then see the screenshot below. Be sure to set the permissions in your usergroups of who can manage the FAQ Tools and if you want users to be able to ask questions (which I left disabled).

It's pretty simple. If you follow the installation and configuration instructions on the 'overview' of this resource, you will get it setup. Then when you see 'FAQ' in your navigation, you can begin adding your questions and answers by visiting http://www.yourforum.com/index.php?faq/ and then see the screenshot below. Be sure to set the permissions in your usergroups of who can manage the FAQ Tools and if you want users to be able to ask questions (which I left disabled).


I didn't realize I had to set the permissions for myself as the admin first. Thanks for your reply!! :)

Thanks for the great add-on.

1) How to make the categories format look like XF "resources" categories (which is separate from the main body) (Image 1)

2) How to open the first "Question. Basically I would like to use the first question as "About us" always open.

3) How to set this as "Home". XF has nothing under home and I would like to assign FAQ as "Home" for my forum.

Many thans.


  1. I don't have the resource manager installed on my development box, but I imagine that replicating the look and feel of the resource manager would be pretty easy for someone to do who is skilled with CSS. It just is not something that I have planned for this add-on.
  2. Add this CSS to display the first question in every category as open:
    .faqContent .faqListItem:first-child .faqAnswer {display: block !important;}
  3. That question isn't relevant to this add-on, but you have the ability to set the link to your home page in your board settings. The option is located in "Basic Board Information"
Is there a way to remove right hand side bar that has blocks (user block, most popular questions, latest anaswers, faq stats etc.).

Found "faqSidebar" in the template but don't know what to do with it to stop displaying the side bar.

Thank you,
I have a problem with unregistered users. I want any unregistered user to ask a question and they have permission at admincp, but add-on wants the user to be logged to ask questions.
Perhaps i´m to stupid für it, but i cannot use the BBCode for the FAQ.

Can someone explian me, how to use it in the forum?
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