FAQ Manager by Iversia

FAQ Manager by Iversia 3.2.0

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Thank you for your work. Here is some feedback.
1. I have added my first question and anser, but the bbcode tells me that there is no answer 1 in my forum.
2. While the next sentence in code is one linebreak away after faq/1/faq. It is shown behind this text that there is no answer without any line-break.
3. Ask Question Message and More Help Message should be phrased? Or maybe they are?
Why don´t you upgrade to XF 2.1 and just wait for Jodie to come up with the compatible version since there most likely won´t be a XF 2.0 version? As far as I understood, Jodie will provide some importing functions, so you could use your old FAQ.
We have cobbled together our FAQ for now and are eagerly awaiting a 2.1 version of FAQ. Since our FAQ has a ton of info, our alternative will be to just create an FAQ forum, but that is our fall back position.

Any updates on the next version?

Sorry to bother you. I was also wondering if you were still planning on upgrading your FAQ Manager. Your last update suggested you would, but if plans changed I understand.

I realize there are 2-3 options right now for XF2.x, but your version was perfect. The layout left no wasted space. It was easy to navigate and edit for moderators. Plus I wouldn't have to add it all new a new plugin. :P

Anyway, saw you logged in recently and wanted to reach out. I know I'd gladly pay $20+ for a ported version of this plugin and I wouldn't be surprised if others would too.

Sorry to bother you. I was also wondering if you were still planning on upgrading your FAQ Manager. Your last update suggested you would, but if plans changed I understand.

I realize there are 2-3 options right now for XF2.x, but your version was perfect. The layout left no wasted space. It was easy to navigate and edit for moderators. Plus I wouldn't have to add it all new a new plugin. :p

Anyway, saw you logged in recently and wanted to reach out. I know I'd gladly pay $20+ for a ported version of this plugin and I wouldn't be surprised if others would too.

@Iversia pls :)
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