FAQ Manager by Iversia

FAQ Manager by Iversia 3.2.0

No permission to download
Edit: Nevermind, seems to work now. I had the same happening for other phrases though, I'll have a look.

I have been trying to translate the phrases and had mixed results. Some translations went through without a hick, but others just seem to work.

i.e. FAQ Statistics, Latest Answers, Most Popular Questions - all have been translated in the phrases but it doesn't show up on the site. Now, I wouldn't rule out me being a n00b again, so is there something I may be missing?
Any chance of being able to set the order of the articles under categories in the FAQ.

...... Do you have planned to allow the tags, CODE, PHP, HTML and attachments (ZIP, RAR, TXT, DOC, ......) in the FAQ. .....

A reply will be appreciated.

Thanks, Luis.
Addon looks good. I am just wondering, does this work with the responsive design by Arty?

Not sure if it would be deemed as a bug... but if you have your XF install in a subdirectory, the js folder has to go in the parent folder?

domain.com/community - <- is where I should be able to upload the js folder
domain.com/js <- where the folder has to be

Never the less, great job with this :D
Not sure if it would be deemed as a bug... but if you have your XF install in a subdirectory, the js folder has to go in the parent folder?

domain.com/community - <- is where I should be able to upload the js folder
domain.com/js <- where the folder has to be

Never the less, great job with this :D
You've saved my life :)
Great addon, liking it a lot. Only have one question though. How do I specify where the FAQ link will go on the navigation? It seems to be tacked onto the end, no matter what. I'd actually like to have it added before the Help link if possible. I can't seem to find a template to edit to accomplish this, any ideas?
Clearly I am missing something here and I'm going to assume it's this headache that's got me blinded but where the hell do I add and edit the questions and answers? LMAO... ugghhh migranes...
second glance I have a feeling this could be style related or just permissions related.

*edited since I pulled my head from my azz and checked user permissions. Not a style issue.

Problem solved.
How do I specify where the FAQ link will go on the navigation?
At the moment there's no way to precisely specify where the link will go on the navigation (without manually changing the fire order for all add-ons). Xenforo has default options for developers that essentially are defined as "beginning, middle, and end." The menu is something that I'd like to see improved with future versions of Xenforo. Adding it to the "end of the middle" would potentially work, and I could give you code changes for that.

Problem solved.
Glad you figured it out!
I'm not sure where I go to edit the Answers in the FAQ. Or is this even an option? It appears to not be an option, once the question and answer are added the content is no longer editable?
If your account has the proper permissions, you can edit the question/answer directly from the entry itself.

View attachment 42473

I see. so it's a permission I've not found.. odd. I have super admin and I've set all permissions for that account as allow. . . . perhaps I am still missing something. is this in the options for the FAQ or in the forums permissions? user perms, as I have said, are all set to allow for my account... I will double check... thank you.
This is strange as I do not have an option to edit the quesitons, only to create new category or add to faq.

I have made my account super admin and I am still not able to edit the questions once submitted. Any suggestions? is it possible that the conflict is with secondary group(s) setting?

I have no secondary groups on the account.
I have also made all user permissions set to YES
I have set all permissions to YES for the group this user is in.

Still no permission to edit questions. I have to delete complete categories if I make any errors in the content of the answer.

Any suggestions on what else this could be?
Suggestion, when using slide out have an edit question link to the right of the question for those with permission. I have to right click > open in new tab to actually edit a question. Great mod, very useful.
Suggestion, when using slide out have an edit question link to the right of the question for those with permission. I have to right click > open in new tab to actually edit a question. Great mod, very useful.
I actually already have that in my next planned released, so will do. :) Thanks.
Hi, @Iversia many thanks for this great add.
Just one question, i've configured a #28 faq, the info is displayed, but nor linked in
Have this error
FAQ: The question was not found.

Below #28 is linked fine, greater than #27 is not linked

Can you giv me some help?
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