RM 1.1 Difference between xf_resource_field_value and xf_resource.custom_resource_fields?


Well-known member
I'm creating an add-on for the Resource Manager, and found that the xf_resource_field_value table and the custom_resource_fields column in the xf_resource table appear to contain the same data in slightly different formats.

Just curious: why is this data duplicated?
In most cases, if you see one table with a "structured" version of data and another where it's serialized/JSON, the serialized data is simply a cache -- the structured version is considered the canonical.
How could it store them any other way?

What additional columns would be needed?

Any additional data that needs to be fetched can be done using joins.
I expected each field value for each to be stored in its own column per resource_id:

+ resource_id | custom_field_id_1 | custom_field_id_2 | ...
+ 1           | "foo"             | "bar"             | ...

Instead, each field per resource_id is stored in its own row:

+ resource_id + field_id         + field_value + ...
+ 1           + "custom_field_1" + "foo"       + ...
+ 1           + "custom_field_2" + "bar"       + ...

I suppose this is because different resources could, depending upon their parent category, contain entirely different custom fields?
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