[DBTech] DragonByte Mail

[DBTech] DragonByte Mail [Paid] 4.0.1

No permission to buy ($14.95)

Best I can do when I'm working off of being awake for 24h :P

I really do appreciate your feedback and I can only apologise if I've come across as "my way is superior". I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a certain amount of pride in interfaces and features I've spent weeks pouring blood, sweat and tears into, but being that I'm still new to developing on XenForo I need to be quicker in accepting that others that have been here longer know better than me.

I want this mod to be the best it can be, and for that feedback is not only appreciated but crucial, so thank you :)

I wasn't, no. Genuinely didn't know where it was, now I do. Laughingly, I never knew to look for watched threads/forums in this spot either - always accessed it from Forum sub-navigation.
Fair enough, I guess I'm still used to vBulletin where you have a catch-all "UserCP" link - maybe XenForo doesn't have that, and that's why we had the wire-crossing there?

Regardless I'll rectify it for the next version :)

"Can Send Mail" mailing list permission isn;t being adhered to - user still has the option to send
I'm unable to replicate this issue. Are you sure you didn't set either your user as the owner of the mailing list, or your user group as "Can Manage"?

Making a user an owner, or making a usergroup Manager, overrides the "Can Send" permission. If this is what you noticed, this is working as intended.

Does this automatically pickup all users from a user group, removing anyone with "Receive site mailings" unchecked, to put them into a mailing list?
Does this automatically pickup all users from a user group, removing anyone with "Receive site mailings" unchecked, to put them into a mailing list?
Kinda. If you set users to default subscribed and then rebuild the subscribed users list, it will include users in the "receive site mailings" list, but those users will be skipped when the email is sent :)

Any new users to that usergroup should get picked up automatically, if not then there's always the option of running the maintenance action again as it won't affect existing users.

DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte Mail with a new update entry:


New Features:

UserCP Settings Link
  • A link to the UserCP settings has been added to the visitor tab drop-down

Changed Features:
  • The mailing list design has been altered to increase visibility of action links
  • Changed the internal structure a bit to reduce code duplication

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where searching for users in the Manage Mailing Lists interface would produce a SQL error...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Interesting... I use another similar add-on. And whilst that really is nifty, this ups the ante a little..
@DragonByte Tech may I suggest / possibly ask for a feature request, besides what some has been mentioned?
Would it be possible for you to extend this to include recently registered members within a given period/ x amount of time?
Thank you and seriously this looks promising, I particularly like the front end for members.
I used to use a LOT of your VB mods a few years ago. Always clean and efficient/useful. :)
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Would it be possible for you to extend this to include recently registered members within a given period/ x amount of time?
I'm not 100% sure what you're requesting, do you mean newly registered members automatically getting signed up for the mailing list? If so, that's already a feature, if you select the Registered Members usergroup as "Default Subscribed" :)

Thank you and seriously this looks promising, I particularly like the front end for members.
I used to use a LOT of your VB mods a few years ago. Always clean and efficient/useful. :)
Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated :)

I'm not 100% sure what you're requesting, do you mean newly registered members automatically getting signed up for the mailing list? If so, that's already a feature, if you select the Registered Members usergroup as "Default Subscribed" :)

Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated :)

You're welcome, thank you. :)

No sorry I should have elaborated.. In the newsletters would it be possible to include a list of the latest registered users to join the site?
So for example a list, including avatars/links etc of the last say 21 members who joined the site?
You're welcome, thank you. :)

No sorry I should have elaborated.. In the newsletters would it be possible to include a list of the latest registered users to join the site?
So for example a list, including avatars/links etc of the last say 21 members who joined the site?
Ohh, I see :D

That's a good feature to add, I'll put it on the list :D

This was one of the best vBulletin Mods out there! Am glad to see you guys finally built one for XenForo! I do like the dialog here seems people have some great ideas!

I usually use Dreamweaver to create the Newsletters but I always wanted the email mod to be able to create a newsletter in a terribly simple way like to just be able to drag and drop blocks with site info like with ajax coding like a 5 forum topics block, latest posters block and latest members ext,. and then matching the website theme is always a plus...

Also making it simple for people to see how to join or get removed on the website is a huge plus! I kind of hated how I had to navigate to it with the vBulletin version but I did use it a lot... Loved how I could create different mail letter groups to send to admins, clan members and just to the general website news!
I usually use Dreamweaver to create the Newsletters but I always wanted the email mod to be able to create a newsletter in a terribly simple way like to just be able to drag and drop blocks with site info like with ajax coding like a 5 forum topics block, latest posters block and latest members ext,. and then matching the website theme is always a plus...
You know, that's something I've always wanted to do, but it's very complex to achieve :(

I don't believe a pre-existing library exists for drag-and-drop that will let me save resulting HTML as a template, especially within XenForo, although if yourself or anyone else has any examples of drag-and-drop functionality like this in any existing XenForo mods, I would love to be proven wrong :D

In short; it's something I do want to add at some point, but for now it's on the backburner unfortunately.

I would look at XenPorta 2 it has exactly what I am referring too in the admin panel for creating the front side CMS it works quit well. You can either use pre existing blocks or create HTML/PHP blocks. You drag and drop the blocks where you want them and save it. You can also save different front panels. I would think something like it would be great for creating simple newsletters...

DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte Mail with a new update entry:


New Features:

AdminCP Menu
  • A link to the options page for this mod is now included in the Admin Navigation

Changed Features:
  • The mod's options are now tabbed for easier browsing
  • A link to the options page for this mod is now included in the Admin Navigation

Bug Fixes:
  • New user registrations could in some circumstances produce a server error

Read the rest of this update entry...
Anyone using the latest version on a live site? I just purchased and installed it, and pretty much any meaningful action is resulting in errors.
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Anyone using the latest version on a live site? I just purchased and installed it, and pretty much any meaningful action is resulting in errors.
Did you post this @ our site just now? If so, then it should now be fully resolved.

For others wondering; the minimum requirement for this product is PHP 5.6, and there was a problem with the Forum Exclude feature in the Digests which has been patched in v3.0.3 :)

Did you post this @ our site just now? If so, then it should now be fully resolved.

For others wondering; the minimum requirement for this product is PHP 5.6, and there was a problem with the Forum Exclude feature in the Digests which has been patched in v3.0.3 :)


Yep, everything seems to be sorted. Thanks a bunch.

Is there any documentation available for it? Like where do I edit the custom template? Is there a way to select which email gets sent to inactive users?
Is there any documentation available for it?
Not at this time, sorry :(

Like where do I edit the custom template?
What custom template are you referring to?

Is there a way to select which email gets sent to inactive users?
It sends a standardised email, there's no options for choosing a different email message. Technically you could edit the phrase, I guess.

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