[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid] 4.1.0

No permission to buy ($29.95)
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This update features an improvement to the license expiry reminder system; previously, renewing a license or changing its expiry date manually would not reset the "expiring soon" and "has expired" reminders. Which it now does.

A new feature has been added to the pricing tier (digital) / product variation (physical) system, where you can add a short description that will be displayed on the pricing choice screen as a little hover icon.

Speaking of pricing...

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This may have already been asked, but I haven't time to go through 13-14 pages at the moment. Does Dragonbyte eCommerce support physical products? I seem to recall something about only digital at some point awhile back. Thanks in advance.
This may have already been asked, but I haven't time to go through 13-14 pages at the moment. Does Dragonbyte eCommerce support physical products? I seem to recall something about only digital at some point awhile back. Thanks in advance.
It does indeed :)

It should be listed in the resource description as well :)
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This update primarily focuses on making changes to the Structured Data for product information pages, to improve compatibility with rich search results on Google. Multiple optional fields are now added, and the correct product icon URLs are now used for product images.

There were also a few important changes and fixes that necessitated a speedier release. Previously, store credit applied to an order would cause two things to occur; the store credit was not...

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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This update resolves an issue where the "Extend licenses" feature would get stuck in an endless loop if more than 1,000 licenses matched the criteria.

Complete Change Log

Change: Back-end improvements to utilise new XF 2.1 method of deleting content
Fix: Fixed an issue where the "Extend licenses" functionality could get stuck in an endless loop

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Ive some questions before buying.

  • Does it work with user upgrades? Like someone is buying a digital product, can we add him for a time in a specific user group?
  • Discounts, im working with some youtubers. Im I able to generate discount codes for them and check after a time how many code uses their code have?
  • How exactly does the comission work? Do you have an example?
Does it work with user upgrades? Like someone is buying a digital product, can we add him for a time in a specific user group?
Digital products can have both temporary and permanent user group changes. Temporary changes last for the duration of the license.

Discounts, im working with some youtubers. Im I able to generate discount codes for them and check after a time how many code uses their code have?
Indeed you are, the coupon system can do that :)

How exactly does the comission work? Do you have an example?
If you assign someone as receiving a commission for a product, you are able to define a value they will earn when someone buys that product.

You will then be able to click a button to see outstanding payments, upon which the system will calculate how much they are owed based on the number of sales since the last time that person was paid.

Once you have paid them (which you do manually through whatever method you want), you record the payment in eCommerce.
@DragonByte Tech I tried this addon on your website, how about automatic shipping address selection for physical products if exist only one address in the customer profile?
There's already a shorthand for setting shipping address to the same as the billing address. It would be unwise to set this automatically without a user prompt as the user may not want to ship to the same address again.

Also, different shipping addresses may belong to different shipping zones, with different shipping methods available, with different costs.
This product description doesn't save the data:


Whatever I write there, it doesn't save.

I have XF 2.1.1 version.

Anybody knows how to fix it please?
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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This update features some important changes in relation to VAT and PayPal.

If you sell your products via PayPal, and use accounting software like QuickBooks to manage your bookkeeping, it would previously have been difficult to utilise the VAT features in eCommerce while maintaining records in your accounting software. Transactions would either fail to import or be imported with incomplete data.

This happened because eCommerce would specifically tell...

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@DragonByte Tech How could i get the discussion tab for a product like at your shop?


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@xffutureuser i don't think so. It creates a thread if someone purchase the product. I would like to create a thread when i release/create a product. I found the part in the options, but it seems to be not working for me. I also check the permissions to create a thread in the correct node. But nothing works for me.
Thanks for this information. It would be nice if we can associated existing threads to products or automatically creating threads after editing the product.
Thanks for this information. It would be nice if we can associated existing threads to products or automatically creating threads after editing the product.
You can do this manually in the database by setting the discussion_thread_id column in the xf_dbtech_ecommerce_product table :)
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