[cXF] Sticky Navigation

[cXF] Sticky Navigation [Paid] 3.11.2

No permission to buy ($22.00)
Thank you! I am trying to use the "Enable Logo in navigation" now, and so far doesn't seem to be doing anything. Do I have to use a different logo than my usual site logo?
No, it should work.

Please, can you send me a screen of this:


(it's more if you scroll down)
As you can see your navigation template of default style is customized (look at those red numbers).

Check navigation template what is customized. If you don't need customization for this tempalte you can revert it and all will work fine. But please make a backup of this template and decide if you really can revert it.
I see the red numbers now. I think the only customization I did was adding links for "My Threads", "My Posts", Recent Posts. I didn't take anything out.
Ok, so decide if you really need it. If not, revert template (Recent Posts link is added in Sticky Navigation too).
Will you give a free copy if we give the correct answer?
I don't understand the purpose of the competition.
No, after the date listed there the winner will be drawn by site admin from the correct answers.

And the winner gets a copy of Sticky Navigation.
Check the Sticky Navigation [tabLinks] style properties.
Thanks. I couldn't see the description very well.

I have this enabled, but it's not working -- there is no menu when you hover.
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