Current Litigation

Realize that Xenforo has recourse in the form of counter lawsuits against IB for malicious interference in their business if their claims are proved unfounded and can win large damages against IB in the process.
"But would they have the resources to do so, once this is over??"
When IB loses, the judge will likely make them pay X(F)L's court costs. I don't see X(F)L filing a suit for damages. Unless this ultimately damages them somehow. So far it has only brought them positive attention.

Yes, the stable version will likely arrive later as a result of having to fight these lawsuits than it would have been had we been able to dedicate ourselves completely to development, as had been our plan.
Oh, there you go. Damages.
When IB loses, the judge will likely make them pay X(F)L's court costs. I don't see X(F)L filing a suit for damages. Unless this ultimately damages them somehow. So far it has only brought them positive attention.

Oh, there you go. Damages.
So can license owners sue for loss of income due to the delay?
The case is going to hinge on the "trade secrets," and one can only speculate what they intend to define as a "secret" (I wasn't aware of any secrets in php or javascript). But whatever they present as their "secrets," the case is simply a power play, and it will fail. They know it will fail. They cannot expect to win. What they expected to do was win by intimidation - expecting X(F)L to fold in terror the moment they were served with legal papers. That didn't happen, so in that respect, they have already lost.

Aye, this is what happened in the case I mentioned earlier in the thread, I had issued a claim for a tidy 5-figure sum against a company that was part of one of the largest newspaper groups in the UK.

They counter-claimed, with total bulls**t, for twice the amount expecting me to run scare and drop the case, if only because of the extra legal costs – more fool them for (a) not understanding how stubborn I can be, and (b) not thinking I was covered by legal expenses insurance, so even if I did lose (no chance) it wouldn’t have cost me a penny.

Now the case was listed for the first week in January and I ‘bumped into’ their key witness, the Divisional Managing Director, in a wine bar a few days before Christmas. This was the point at which I knew I had won, as she went out of her way to avoid eye contact with me and clearly if she couldn’t look me in the eye, in a bar, she had no chance in court!

It was a day or two later they dropped their claim and made their first offer to settle. :D
To be honest they have sensationalized this story to the point that a movie could be made out of it, in the end I think they are pathological liars, I have seen it in their moves with fraudulent accounting and with the promotion of IB stock by paying writers to hype the stock to investors.

Brisco was forced to sell the company by Bill Gross who wants to get out very badly, they made the deal just as the stock was crashing in the marketplace, in other words, Bob Brisco is hanging on by a thread and if the current buyer pulls out, Gross and Brisco will lose untold millions.

Look at how the stock was trading just days before the IB merger announcement, it was crashing.

This is just one of the stories that Brisco paid to have put out when the stock was trading under 7 bucks right after the vB fiasco broke out.
To be honest they have sensationalized this story to the point that a movie could be made out of it, in the end I think they are pathological liars, I have seen it in their moves with fraudulent accounting and with the promotion of IB stock by paying writers to hype the stock to investors.

Brisco was forced to sell the company by Bill Gross who wanted out, and they made the deal just as the stock was crashing in the marketplace, in other words Brisco is hanging on by a thread and if the current buyer pulls out, Gross and Brisco will lose untold millions.

Look at how the stock was trading just days before the IB merger announcement, it was crashing.

This is just one of the stories that Brisco paid to have put out when the stock was trading under 7 bucks right after the vB fiasco broke out.

I don't think Bill Gross is worried ... the man is a legend who touched every person that uses the internet. :)
Thanks to those who provided the link to me, and I'll have a more detailed comment later, but for now it's obvious.

Kier Darby is the Anti-Christ, and used his super-evil powers to lull Mike into his devious plan.

For shame, Kier Darby, for shame!


For short, what a load of BS.
I will be willing to submit an affidavit to xenforo regarding the fact that I was looking for alternatives soley due to the vbsi's issues regarding the vb4 release and was doing so long before I heard about xenforo. In addition the vb4 problems were so bad, I considered the opportunity of starting my own company to launch a competitive product.
I also would submit an affidavit that based on the horrible condition of 4.0, I moved off away from Vbulletin.
I will be willing to submit an affidavit to xenforo regarding the fact that I was looking for alternatives soley due to the vbsi's issues regarding the vb4 release and was doing so long before I heard about xenforo. In addition the vb4 problems were so bad, I considered the opportunity of starting my own company to launch a competitive product.

Count me in likewise. Gosh I'm trying to find a way to file an amicus brief.
It won't matter who wins, IB will be facing a P.R. challenge. Either way, it represents something that can impact focus on vb development.

I've got vb "broken record" syndrome again ;) I should be on my bike.
I can point you to my ex-wife about greed... divorced for years, I am remarried and she is nearly remarried, and she is now trying to come at me for more money again... (obviously needs more cosmetic work or some treatment)

Greed does stupid things to people. Sticking with litigation, looks like I will be putting her in court to get a judges ruling to stop her constant BS greedy behaviour that she is still pulling. That's greed + litigation... still on-topic :D

Ouch I feel for you Anthony. Hope it all works out.

It's true though.. I wish people cared more for each other and looked into others well being before theirs. If everyone or a majority of people did that in this world. We wouldn't have as many problems in the world as we do now.

But I guess as long as one person can show they care for others. Hopefully it will rub off on others.
And again if everyone start caring each other awesome things won't happen and we won't get to be part of something big and good .

People will ignore their misfortunes and their interests when they are in competition with their pleasures.
- French Proverb

I have to disagree.

Just because I care about someone, doesn't stop me from competing against them. If you and I owned different companies, I wouldn't stop just because your my friend. I would definitely want to creating some better or just as good as you. But the difference is I wouldn't use dirty tactics or sabotage etc.. I wouldn't be unethical in any way. I would put up a noble and fair fight.

There is a difference in caring, and that is you treat others fairly.

Not by going to your company and trashing it. Or going into the media and trashing your name. etc.. etc... It's called sportsmanship in many sports. And it's about winning or losing as a good sport.
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