Current LawSuit


Active member
I know there is a current law suit going on, my question is, whats going on? I dont wanna spend my money on XenForo and find out in say 2 months they lose and XenForo has to suffer...
Why the sad face, Jake? I might even celebrate! I want XF to win and get all the money back spent in Lawyer's fees.

Well yeah, I want XF to win too, and I fully expect they will. I am just not good at hating others. I'm a care bear. I would prefer it if XF could win without anyone else losing. But I guess that possibility was thrown out once vB initiated the lawsuit. I think it's gonna suck for them once they lose.
Well yeah, I want XF to win too, and I fully expect they will. I am just not good at hating others. I'm a care bear. I would prefer it if XF could win without anyone else losing. But I guess that possibility was thrown out once vB initiated the lawsuit. I think it's gonna suck for them once they lose.
They brought it on themselves just like Apple will in the long run.
If Apple would be anything like IB they would have been bankrupt a long time ago. IB isn't innovative or creative, they don't sue because of violated patents, they sue because they lack creativity and quality. So their competition has to be fought in other ways. I've got zero mercy for vB. They deserve to be slaughtered if they should lose.
All I have to say is look at Apple vs Samsung.
That could happen to XenForo and the owners could end up having to pay millions in damages to vBulletin.
Don't say it can't happen. Samsung did that and you see where they ended up.

The opinion of average people does not matter. Lawyers and Judges, this is their job.
Reread the last notice put out and you can tell this issue is weighing more and more upon them. To the point where they may possibly feel they will lose. Why else is there no development updates? There may never be.

Why continue working on something that you feel may be dead because of a lawsuit and given to your competitor?

Seems to be the opinon of a few people and some people predicted xenforo 1.1 will be the last major update and 1.2 is never going to come
Haven't seen all the documents but none of them contained real code (and I think none of them does). Is this case based on facts of copying?

Russ is correct. IB's expert witness said there was no copied code, so that claim is effectively gone. The rest of the lawsuit is less about the software and seems more intended to establish malintent and damages, but is lacking any evidence to support it.
Russ is correct. IB's expert witness said there was no copied code, so that claim is effectively gone. The rest of the lawsuit is less about the software and seems more intended to establish malintent and damages, but is lacking any evidence to support it.

Exactly. From what I understand of it (and provided my faulty memory is recalling this correctly): seeing that they stuck to their non-compete agreement and didn't start selling until past that date (IOW, not yet profiting from selling competing software until that date), it's almost a non-issue. But as the old saying goes, I am not an attorney... ;) And again, that venue is not making me get that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

IB/vB will get what they deserve if the case is thrown out and they have to repay XF's costs. IB is big enough, though, that they will just absorb the cost and move on. Anyone who likes vB is still going to like vB at the end of the day.
Agreed. but maybe one thread only? Not so many. Merge things for goodness sakes. Know what I mean?

Some of those threads got closed or deleted. Perhaps people who didn't have a chance to have their say yet also wanted to voice their opinions?

I know I have been biting my tongue for a while, and I'll probably want to get it out at some point sooner or later. I doubt I'm alone in that.

With that said, I was delighted to see this yesterday, as that somehow dispels at least some of the rumours (emphasis mine):

For @XenForo users: we may have solved the @Gravatar issue (with thanks to Velda at Gravatar and Mike at XenForo).

That site is just hate-mongering posted by someone hiding behind anonymity. 100% opinion. If this person had a name and the cojones to show his/her face in public, maybe we'd respect that opinion. Until then...nada.

They quote GTB as a "respected community member". That ought to give you some idea of what their opinion is truly worth. A lot less than what they paid for their domain registration, for sure ;)
With that said, I was delighted to see this yesterday, as that somehow dispels at least some of the rumours (emphasis mine):

Guilty as charged. :D And I worded it "may have" since I've only now tested it on two sites. I'm hoping others try it so we can get more feedback and see if Gravatars work more reliably. I included Mike mainly because he was the one to point out it was an issue with Gravatar in that original "What's up with Gravatar?" thread. So IOW, I was armed with that information when I contacted the "Happiness Manager" at Gravatar. And doing so got me two things: 1) try the URL without the ".jpg" extension, and 2) they were going to investigate why the images were not updating when the ".jpg" extension was used.

They quote GTB as a "respected community member". That ought to give you some idea of what their opinion is truly worth. A lot less than what they paid for their domain registration, for sure ;)

And with some of the registrars having dirt cheap domain name sales lately, you can guess what it's worth... ;)

I don't know the "respected community member" in question, but it struck me as someone I don't recognize. I don't visit here enough to know everyone.

My overall feeling is that complaining anonymously does no good. Voicing concerns directly to the right people in a civilized and professional manner will open all sorts of doors.
I don't know the "respected community member" in question, but it struck me as someone I don't recognize. I don't visit here enough to know everyone.

From what I recall said "respected community member" was shown the door due to his extreme lack of respect for anyone else. ;)
From what I recall said "respected community member" was shown the door due to his extreme lack of respect for anyone else. ;)

Story of my life: I'm always late for the party! :D And it wouldn't be the first time that a banned member from a forum started up a "hate" site. Our big board has had such a site for several years now, only they call it a "parody" and seem to spend every waking hour microanalyzing everything posted. That is easier than then admitting they broke a few rules and making amends...
I would be more concerned about vB losing the lawsuit. A legal loss to coincide with a major software release would not be good for them. :(

They do not care about loosing or winning. IB has enough money. They would not feel the difference of loosing or winning financially. IMHO it was never their real first-priority-goal to win the lawsuit. IB wants more likely to damage trust in xF, spread fear and win time with this lawsuit.

Let's face it: Even if IB would win this lawsuit, vb4 & vb5 will not become a better forum software. THIS is the real problem of IB ;)
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