CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Yes, i mean can you feature resource items with this plugin?
Can the feature of normal threads go automatic or do you have to do it manually?
I have already been able to make Featured Threads our home page, but the Forum tab is the one that gets lighted when on the Featured Threads page. Is it possible for that to be the Home Page icon instead of the Forum tab?
If you don't actually have a "Home" page, you can always disable the option in the ACP.

The Forums tab will still be highlighted but at least there won't be a useless tab to the left of it which doesn't actually do anything.
Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads with a new update entry:

Some very inconsequential bugs fixed

A very minor release which fixes a couple of bugs no-one even noticed ;)

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Tooltip added to the thread title – useful for longer titles which overflow

Bugs Fixed
  • Conditional statement for the footer in the templates updated to include the new thread data elements (author, date, likes, views, and replies)
  • Thread title missing from URL on Featured Threads page


Read the rest of this update entry...
I've just discovered this:


Not sure if this is classified as a bug or not.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Click to Feature a thread
  2. In the Message box, post in a URL from a BBCode Media site e.g. YouTube.
  3. Feature the thread

I actually saw this happening for a slightly different reason on @Clickfinity's CycleChat site where he's got his YouTube BBCode Media site set so that it embeds the video in a post and shows the URL of the video below this. The URL must have appeared in the Featured Threads Message box and this happened.
After installing it at CycleChat I've had members ask if they can "turn it off" - is there a way to create a separate style that doesn't have the featured thread elements, whilst keeping it installed on the default style?
Options are global and they can't be moved to Style Properties as SPs can't be referenced in PHP.

I'll see what I can do about removing it per style though, if it's practical.

Or you could just comment out the relevant templates in the child style:
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper
Presumably they don't also want to remove the navigation link and dedicated page?

One other way to do it (and possibly a better way) would be to create a custom user field with template modifications and allow individuals to deactivate it themselves.
That avoids having lots of extra code in the templates and a separate style.
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I just edited my post to add the following:
Or you could just comment out the relevant templates in the child style:
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper
That would remove the blocks from the three page views and still leave the page accessible.
I can add three new SPs to remove the blocks from each of the three page views but that does necessitate having an additional child style for every style you have installed.
In your case it might be one but others may have e.g. 3 styles, which would mean 6 in total.

I think custom user fields may be a better way around it as those few members who don't want to see them can choose to do so, without the overhead of additional styles.

When I get time I'll create a guide on how to do that.
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