CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
So... no confirmation, but it's on the suggestions list?

Either way, look forward to the alerts portion. I need to figure out some great trophy images for users with Featured Thread ( say 1, 5, 10, 20+)

Anywho, get back to work!
Trophies are on the list but I'm not sure if they will make it to 1.5 (I have very limited time for development so I like to push releases out when I've completed something, rather than delay it to add something else).

Regarding trophies, as the same thread can potentially be featured as many times as you like, I will probably need to add some sort of history table.

I could just do it the easy way and have a simple count in the user table, but that wouldn't be very accurate and every time the same thread was unfeatured and featured again, the count would increase.
Ah, well, if you're thinking of adding a history table that might tie-in with a suggestion I was going to make (although it may already be present - apologies if it is):

Include the facility to identify previously featured threads; so myself and the moderator team can see if we've previously put a thread up in a featured position and not re-feature it unintentionally (with tens of thousands of posts and hundreds of new threads per week we'll quite easily forget which threads we've featured on CycleChat [and when]).

Shaun :D
I guess if there is a history table then that would be possible.

That's the first time it has been suggested (I think) so I'm not sure how the UI would work.
Possibly some sort of indication in the thread tools dropdown...
I guess if there is a history table then that would be possible.

That's the first time it has been suggested (I think) so I'm not sure how the UI would work.
Possibly some sort of indication in the thread tools dropdown...
You could log it in the moderation log
TBH I was thinking in quite simple terms - bold/on/coloured indicator for currently featured threads and a greyed-out version for ex-featured; with maybe the ex-featured only visible to mods and admins (since I presume they'll mostly be the ones promoting threads to featured)?
You could log it in the moderation log
The moderation log is/can be purged so it's not a permanent record.
Plus not all members who can feature threads are moderators.

TBH I was thinking in quite simple terms - bold/on/coloured indicator for currently featured threads and a greyed-out version for ex-featured; with maybe the ex-featured only visible to mods and admins?
Hmm, I'd rather not keep old notifications around for previously featured threads.

I'll have a think on it and see if I can come up with a good proposal, assuming it gets developed ;)
Thanks - and don't sweat it too much, it was only in case it was something that would be quick and easy to implement. (y)
Well I do like the idea as it does provide useful feedback/indication and avoids the same threads being featured again unintentionally :)
There's a new option in 1.5.


"What does that do?", I hear you ask?
Well, I'll tell you :D

Essentially it will show alerts like this "{name} featured your thread {thread} until {date}" instead of this "{name} featured your thread {thread}".

So admin's can decide whether to show the expiry date in the alert notification or not.
<looks around for the 1.5 file?> Dang!!! :LOL:

Agree... as far as we all know, that $10 PayPal thing is still on the suggestion list as well.

I just need to create an active site within the next couple days to have threads to feature and alert people.
What was it again @Sheldon?
Every time someone features a thread on their site I get £10 in my PayPal account?

Consider it implemented.
Brogan, quick question, not sure if possible.

I know the featured threads page pulls and grabs this info:

the thread itself... is there anyway it could pull what NODE it came from? The only reason I ask, is for perhaps Node Specific styling.

You could have your preset styling in Extra.CSS, and once promoted from whatever node, it would change to match that look. Could possibly give an extra dynamic to the page.

I don't do code, so no clue how hard or if possible, or what extra queries it would take. Just thought about it while looking at my FamilyGuyFans one. Would be cool to see a Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show "Featured" themes for them.
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