CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
I've just tested it on a few installations and it's working fine.

Try in a default style first to rule out the style.
Next step would be to disable add-ons.
Finally, remove any custom JS which has been manually added, for ad providers, etc.
After a migration from 1.3 to 1.4, for some reason, some posts are displayed in forums/threads/featured-archive and are not set "featured" in the discussion tool. (so i can't unfeature them)
How can i empty this list ? Shall i do it manyally in the DB (in which table) ?
Thanks for your support.
The archive is exactly what it suggests it is, an archive.

You can disable it in the options if you don't want to utilise it.

It's not something on my priority list as so few people have requested it and it's (potentially) a lot of work.

There's nothing stopping anyone styling threads which are featured.
I often read how polls get limited interaction.

It's certainly true on my site that the number of votes recorded for polls is a lot lower than I would like, or expect.

I installed the latest version on my site yesterday and featured a poll as an experiment.
I'm pleased to say that despite it being an old poll - it was posted in January - the total number of votes since yesterday has increased by approximately 30%.

I would say that's a result and is purely down to the poll being featured on the home page and forum list/view.

The driving force for this add-on has always been to expose content and engage members more.
This latest update will hopefully go a long way towards that.
@Brogan - I'm using your Featured Threads Page as my site home page. When creating a XenForo notice, there is a Page Criteria setting for "Selected Navigation Tab is". Is there something I can put there to have a notice show only on my home (Featured Threads) page?
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