CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

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Has anybody figured out how to output attached images (guests are allowed to view) in the featured threads RSS feed?
It's consistent with core XF code - RSS feeds for forums don't show attachments as images either.
Whenever I turn off profile tabs in the options, it messes my profile tabs up.


On my board, when the browser window is displayed on certain screen sizes (widths), the Featured Threads (Works) submenu item disappears behind the ellipsis (...), while the Featured Threads Archive item remains visible. (See screen cap.) I would like for the Featured Threads item always to appear before the Archive item. How do I accomplish that? I know it must involve editing the display order somehow in code listeners, but I'm not sure.


It's related to the 'navigation' template modification.

You would have to enable debug mode and change where the template is inserted, which is currently after 'Watched Threads'.


You can rename the phrase to 'Archive', which will make it much shorter and it should remain visible then.
It's related to the 'navigation' template modification.

You would have to enable debug mode and change where the template is inserted, which is currently after 'Watched Threads'.

View attachment 97532

You can rename the phrase to 'Archive', which will make it much shorter and it should remain visible then.

How would I get Featured Threads never to disappear behind the ellipsis? I'd prefer to have that first or right after Watched Threads. Thanks.
It's not possible to stop the menu items being removed as the width narrows.
All you can do is move them as far to the right as possible, as they are removed from left to right.
Which version are you running?

The URL for that page changed some time ago to featured-thread-images.

Essentially though you can ignore those as they are old indexed links - the code has since changed.
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