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[CTA] Countdown Timer 1.7.5_00_EQnoble

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After install - i have no settings or even find the addd on under options…what gives?

  • Edit the options for Clip The Apex's Countdown Timer in your forums admin control panel and setup to your needs.
After install - i have no settings or even find the addd on under options…what gives?

  • Edit the options for Clip The Apex's Countdown Timer in your forums admin control panel and setup to your needs.
You've not installed it correctly?
You've not enabled the add-on?

It's definitely there in ACP > Options if it's installed correctly and enabled.
All i have in my list is cat countdown. is the link you gave the actual add on? or just the widget frame work addition.

Screen Shot 2014-02-01 at 8.55.40 AM.webp
Sorry - never mind, must install 2 xml files, a bit confusing and not the norm...
The reason there is two xml files is because I made this in the first place as a stand alone thing(one xml), adding back the support for WFw was a secondary use and rather than rewriting the entire thing and the way it worked I made a second xml which adds the the widget renderer for the timer and an option to basically hand display control of the timer over to the WFw which is not needed for people who are not using the WFw in the first place.
How can we add more than 1 counter to the forum sidebar?Thank you!

With this version of the addon you can't. I have another version that I have been working on for a while but it is not going to be released publicly and it is not going to be free. You can manually modify this addon yourself to add a second timer but it is not a 2 minute thing.

Is there anyway to move the countdown clocks position on the sidebar?

If you are using the BD widget framework you can use that to control the position...if you are using it as a standalone addon you can take a look at this below...

You can do this two ways:

1. The easy way would be for you to open a FTP session to your server @the root directory of your xenforo installation and upload the contents of the archive in this post.

2. If you want to manually do it ftp to /library/CTA/CDtimer/ and edit Listener.php....

            case 'page_container_sidebar':
edit page_container_sidebar to read ad_sidebar_below_visitor_panel since that is the hook you would want to be using.
            case 'ad_sidebar_below_visitor_panel':

When your done save your changes and refresh your forum home to check it.
I've had a look and you have two errors on the XenPorta page.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; (index):2205
) xenforo.js?_v=997cf66b:220
XenForo.init() 257ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev xenforo.js?_v=997cf66b:209
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'countDown' (index):1874
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.

On your forums page you have one error.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; (index):2005
) xenforo.js?_v=997cf66b:220
XenForo.init() 134ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev

So there's the same error on both pages. I'm not sure what this is but I suggest you eliminate this first.
I'd also suggest that you update your version of Xenforo, you appear to still be on 1.30 Release Candidate 1 rather than the final version. There are bugs in RC1 that are gone in the final version. Also make sure you're using the latest version of Widget Framework and CTA Countdown Timer and that you are using WFw and have it set up correctly as detailed here

@EQnoble I've found a bug. If the hours are set to 0, the timer does not function, it just shows 0 for all digits. As soon as hours are set to anything else, the countdown works. For setting to midnight, you will of course want to set the hours to 0 (not 24 ;) ) so I hope this bug can be fixed soon.
@Martok thanks for pointing that out, I'm just waking up and have been working on something over here for the past couple of weeks but I will take a look at this today.
I updated the script.. And everything is up to date but it still shows zeros on xenporta.
You've still not corrected the errors on those pages, they are still there. You can see this if you inspect the pages with your browser console. You need to get these fixed.
Hey, I downloaded the addon, and it looks great on my site n I got it all set up with the time I want it to countdown, but it just shows all 0's.
You can check it out here (Bottom right of page):

Also, how do I go about moving it up or down on the widget list? Because I can't see it in the list of widgets i'm currently using.
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