CODForums moves to xenForo!

Carlos, if you are searching for activity, you should post practically every day. Currently, there is no reason for anyone to stay. The activity you desire will not come with 1 or 2 posts a day. It's just not going to happen. If you need proof, load up your site. It just isn't happening.
I am taking the slow and steady route with posting - I don't want to seem like a spammer. Especially when I post it to twitter. I have to time everything correctly to get the traffic I desire. But the activity is the one thing that's been bothering me sometimes, I see sometimes its 4 to 5 users a day, but often its at zero users online. I'm happy when it's at 4 or 5 or 6 users online because that means people want to know about something. I had that chance yesterday (a friggin Sunday no less!) Somehow, for some weird reason, went offline, while the rest of the network's online. *confused*

There were DLC leaks over the weekend, and it was brought to a crescendo yesterday. I didn't even realize there was a trailer released today, I just woke up hours ago. I've spoken to [Mr.] Edge already and he's investigating. That's what he said.
You can post 1,000,000 messages on FB and Twitter, but in the end, if you don't have the content at your site to keep people there, then that is exactly what is going to happen. Quit focusing on these other ventures that aren't getting you anywhere, focus soley on CODForums, and the activity will be there.
Sheldon, you have to do whatever it takes is for you to get everyone from anywhere. That's why I keep harping at twitter/facebook, most of the COD people are on a Social Network, especially twitter. There's instagram, but I don't have a device to target them directly.
I am taking the slow and steady route with posting

That much is obvious, and the rest of your members are following suit.

Especially when I post it to twitter.

Forget about Twitter, focus on

That's why I keep harping at twitter/facebook, most of the COD people are on Social Network, especially twitter. There's instagram, but I don't have a device to target them directly.

I'll let you in on a little secret, it's not working.

Focus on posting on your site, creating discussions, enticing people to STAY, you'll have more activity. That's a guarantee. You continually talk and post on the social networking sites, that is where they will reply and stay.
That much is obvious, and the rest of your members are following suit.
*crosses arms* :unsure:
Forget about Twitter, focus on
I'm not focused on Twitter, I'm saying - the latest news are on twitter/facebook/instagram/whatever > into posting news about what's going on. Let me - let me put it this way, some companies don't post videos right away, so I have to wait for their video to be posted and feed my users news. I treat forums like it's my own vehicle for news. Quality > Quantity.
I'll let you in on a little secret, it's not working.
Actually, it is. Just not the way you think.
Focus on posting on your site, creating discussions, enticing people to STAY, you'll have more activity. That's a guarantee. You continually talk and post on the social networking sites, that is where they will reply and stay.
When you say it that way, you make sense, but everything else, you confuse me away from the real meat of the problem.
Actually, it is. Just not the way you think.

I'm not going to argue with you. The stats of your forum show otherwise. Everyone else in this thread can see it, you cannot. Tell me why....

When you say it that way, you make sense, but everything else, you confuse me away from the real meat of the problem.

The "meat" of the problem is again, lack of content. What has been stated numerous times here.

Plenty of members have tried to tell you that, plenty of members have offered SOLID advice, offered their time, offered pretty much anything you could ask for. You just refuse to run with it, because you have YOUR OWN WAY of doing things. I commend that, really. But in the current state, it might be wise to start taking up some of the suggestions everyone has posted.

Best of luck.
I guess my biggest worry would be... why do I have 4000 members and only 9800 posts. 2000 of those are from you alone. This tells me users are not finding what they need when they get to your site. Have you thought about possibly doing a portal of some types, and instead of posting your personal milestones, post some news relating to the games you cover?
COD Forums

It would make no sense putting a portal on top of a site meant to be a forum. I do post news in relevant places. Or, shall I create a new forum just for news?
For the "pre-made style not working" it's not the style that's turning people away as Arty's dark is extremely easy on the eyes(gamers eyes :D ), it's surely the content(or lack of)
I like arty's work, don't get me wrong. I'm saying maybe it isn't.
Website isn't loading for me right now?
Wait, what? Anyone else?
If you bury news, and make users search for it, they will go to a different site that has better UX. A portal doesn't "change" it from a forum.
.....and here we go. Immediately saying NO.

A portal would get some interest, with proper content. It would give a brief reading of what is in your site, but pushing them to go into the forums themselves to read it all. Once there, with the proper amount of content, they'd register and become active members.

Currently, they get to your site, and see 2 forums that have had a post in the last day or so, the other 10-12 with very little recent activity.
If you bury news, and make users search for it, they will go to a different site that has better UX. A portal doesn't "change" it from a forum.
50% of the time those with a portal, and it's got a "forum" in the domain, I usually skip the portal area and go straight to the forum. I'm not alone in this thinking.

It's not restricted to just "forums." It happens often than you think.
Don't give news on social networks. Give news on your forums. Give briefs and links on social networks.

Translates into......

So you'd rather have them see all these dates? Lounge/Lobby/Video Games should just be combined, at least then it looks a bit more active.

If you had a portal, at least you'd have up to date, relevant info you want shown there. If I see a forum with dates like those, I would not be interested. It would seem dead.
Um. MW2 relevant now? MW3 relevant now? Black Ops relevant now? If your answer is no, then you got your answer.
So you'd rather have them see all these dates? Lounge/Lobby/Video Games should just be combined, at least then it looks a bit more active.
What kind of idea is THAT!?
If I see a forum with dates like those, I would not be interested. It would seem dead.
Nah. You're just nitpicky. I see people posting introductions regardless of the date.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go ahead and focus on posting news.
I think part of the problem is,

1) Most CoD players use strictly YouTube/Twitter as a source for news, info, or anything related to CoD. It's the CoD-standard. CoD players aren't looking to be apart of a community, they're looking to make a name for themselves & get "famous."

2) If they don't JUST use YouTube/Twitter, they use the site that the YT'bers plug 24/7, Charlie Intel.

3) Casual CoD players aren't like the old casual Halo players of the day. When I used to play Halo 2, Halo2Forum was my favorite place to be, and I made a lot of friends through there over the past decade. They were the most active forum for that game, because people in that game wanted to actually be apart of a community.

CoD is such a different beast from EVERY OTHER bro-shooter. Casual, or even hardcore, players don't want to be a part of a community, they just wanna get popular where people follow them. See why every person in the world is trying to do YouTube now.

Also, I was surprised to see that you don't have anything for eSports on your site. It's a HUGE part of CoD at this point, especially with the CoD Championships that Activision hosts every year.
I think part of the problem is,

1) Most CoD players use strictly YouTube/Twitter as a source for news, info, or anything related to CoD. It's the CoD-standard. CoD players aren't looking to be apart of a community, they're looking to make a name for themselves & get "famous."

2) If they don't JUST use YouTube/Twitter, they use the site that the YT'bers plug 24/7, Charlie Intel.

3) Casual CoD players aren't like the old casual Halo players of the day. When I used to play Halo 2, Halo2Forum was my favorite place to be, and I made a lot of friends through there over the past decade. They were the most active forum for that game, because people in that game wanted to actually be apart of a community.
And this is what I was targeting - pretty much. So, any news without videos - I don't care. Unless of course, those "ah, first leaks!"
CoD is such a different beast from EVERY OTHER bro-shooter. Casual, or even hardcore, players don't want to be a part of a community, they just wanna get popular where people follow them. See why every person in the world is trying to do YouTube now.
Such is an unfortunate situation, but I do see what you mean. I see it often on my media forum - people come and post their video, often times they leave, but those that come back and post new videos made me want to keep their accounts instead of just weeding them out for the sake of quality.
Also, I was surprised to see that you don't have anything for eSports on your site. It's a HUGE part of CoD at this point, especially with the CoD Championships that Activision hosts every year.
I've been contemplating about this back and forth, and I've seen it in other sites - Do you have this on your server, if so, how much server space does it take up? I had a media section on CODForums and it ended up being the most worthless area of the site - I brought this up earlier in this thread. I know it's not the same thing, but in general, I felt the community hasn't gravitated to the media section as much as I thought. I was expecting the media section to be popular since like you said, it's a big part of COD.

When I say "media section" I meant this little "videos" button in this screencap:
Carlos - that is a golden domain name and it should be sky rocketing. There is a fundemental problem somewhere, and you need to re-connect with your audience.

A good idea may be implementing streams and Videos section - Make it specialist in some way that makes it the "Go to" place. There is no easy fix sometimes. I think people here are generally trying to help you. Yes, some of it is critical of you and how the site is/was run, but don't take it personally. They aren't trying to upset you, they are trying to help.

All the best!
Hey, @Thom Tyler thanks for your comments and feedback but uh... About streams...
I've been contemplating about this back and forth, and I've seen it in other sites - Do you have this on your server, if so, how much server space does it take up? I had a media section on CODForums and it ended up being the most worthless area of the site - I brought this up earlier in this thread. I know it's not the same thing, but in general, I felt the community hasn't gravitated to the media section as much as I thought. I was expecting the media section to be popular since like you said, it's a big part of COD.
We already have a Video forum, I'm not interested in making a video section for the reason stated above.

When I bought CODForums, I discovered there were a lot of spam in the albums section, and somewhat in the video section (users could put up their video, with description, etc), and I had to go through the list and had to clean up the spam before making the server move. I do remember having to go through a list and DID not find it appealing.
What do you think you can do to turn it around then? It needs a jump start for sure! What's the SEO on the page like? is it ranked well?
What do you think you can do to turn it around then? It needs a jump start for sure! What's the SEO on the page like? is it ranked well?

From what I've seen, it's one of the highest, if not the highest, ranked Call of Duty forum in Google outside of official Activision forums.
The site looks great from say a few months ago.

Now you need to focus your energy on getting people to the website and staying there. Obviously you have people visiting the website, but noone is sticking around. That is THE fundamental flaw of the site. Forget all these carlos360x etc network...create a decent community first and then do all that. It seems that you were so intent on creating a network and your time got divided and everything is stuttering as a result.

1) You finally have a nice looking website. Well done on...taking peoples advice.
2) Dont be a douche on your website. Judging by how well you deal with criticism on this site, i hope you arent like that on your own website. People dont like to be controlled or have a heavy handed mod.
3) You have a very high rate of people who visit your site and never go back there again. That means that people are not finding what they are looking for. For example i have 80% return visits, 45% come to the site via search engines.
4) Create content, create competitions, create events, create controversy, create something!
5) As it is right now, what incentive does anyone on your site have to post? In the hope that someone will reply to them 3-4 weeks later? (by which team they might have signed upto another more active forum?)

Take the advice given on here. Stop being so defensive and appreciate the fact that people want to help. You are so engrossed in your own world about being a 'online marketer', but its obvious you arent doing a very good job of it. You are so focussed on creating a network where you already started thinking about what chandelier to put in the living room without even laying the floor. Start from the basics, thats all i can say to you. Stop trying to believe that 'it will eventually work out by itself'. It wont. Focus on smaller things and then go about the empire once you actually have a solid footing.

Either that or go into a partnership with a forum owner who knows what they are doing and has a decent forum. They will be able to teach you quite a bit, and its a lot easier when there are a few stakeholders rather than just one. Or sell it. Because right now, its a waste of the domain name and the SEO juice it has.
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The site looks great from say a few months ago.

Now you need to focus your energy on getting people to the website and staying there.
That'd be the best thing you said all this time. But everything else you've said in this post - not so good....
Obviously you have people visiting the website, but noone is sticking around.
Obviously you haven't been there. So, I'm going to go ahead and ignore this little jab.
Forget all these carlos360x etc network...create a decent community first and then do all that. It seems that you were so intent on creating a network and your time got divided and everything is stuttering as a result.
Another jab, doesn't seem to be the problem.
Dont be a douche on your website. Judging by your well you deal with criticism on this site, i hope you arent like that on your own website. People dont like to be controlled or have a heavy handed mod.
I do not appreciate how you called me names here, so for this particular reason... Reported. I'm not a douche, so if you got nothing good to say - DON'T SAY IT.
You have a very high rate of people who visit your site and never go back there again. That means that people are not finding what they are looking for. For example i have 80% return visits, 45% come to the site via search engines.
I find that hard to believe. Good day.
Create content, create competitions, create events, create controversy, create something!
I. AM. CREATING. CONTENT. You are blind if you don't see it! I even listed the relevant network links at the bottom if they like blogs instead. Some people like blogs, some people like forums. I built this network to feed BOTH.
As it is right now, what incentive does anyone on your site have to post?
Contests would be that big one - give, and you get back. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of capital right now. I have 3 plans ready for the next 2 years (this year and next year) to fix this "incentive." However, this will have to do for now.
In the hope that someone will reply to them 3-4 weeks later?
That's why I don't force people to sign up. ;) (y)

If you're cool enough, people find you/your site even cooler.
(by which team they might have signed upto another more active forum?)
Whole point of network - really.
Take the advice given on here. Stop being so defensive and appreciate the fact that people want to help. You are so engrossed in your own world about being a 'online marketer', but its obvious you arent doing a very good job of it. You are so focussed on creating a network where you already started thinking about what chandelier to put in the living room without even laying the floor. Start from the basics, thats all i can say to you. Stop trying to believe that 'it will eventually work out by itself'. It wont. Focus on smaller things and then go about the empire once you actually have a solid footing.
More "you're not doing a good job of this and that." I'm going to ignore this, more negative crap. Blocking negativity.
Either that or go into a partnership with a forum owner who knows what they are doing and has a decent forum.
Not goting to do this. I already tried this once, and I'm not going have my hand or my heart burned again.

"Fool me once, fool me twice, shame on you."
They will be able to teach you quite a bit, and its a lot easier when there are a few stakeholders rather than just one. Or sell it. Because right now, its a waste of the domain name and the SEO juice it has.
You'd love to have me sell this, don't you. Nah. No. Not doing that.

The only way people become "stakeholders" is through my company. I will not give stake in my company to anyone I don't trust. And likewise I won't allow my keys to my castle ever again. Not going through that grief again.
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