Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Enable "Display chat page visitors in chatters list". This with "Keep session alive" should do the trick.
They are both ticket yes, the inactivity setting still hides people on the chat page after the set X minutes. If it set the inactivity setting to 0, it only shows people chatting on the moment, hmmm
In regards to the mute option
Here's my test platform:
Chrome to login with test user. Firefox with my main account.
I mute the test account. I then start chatting with the test account. Yes, it only shows to the test account. The main account doesnt see it.
- When I delete any messages posted by anyone (at least me) after the test user wrote something, it will delete his messages from his screen.
- When he refreshes, his messages will disappear from his screen.
- The first message posted by anyone after the test user wrote something, it will not appear on the test user screen.
- Just now, a new user registered after the test user wrote something. The announcement deleted his messages (it was only one) from his screen.

btw, can you add a way where I still want to see his messages and yet hidden from the rest with a permission option?
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Is "Hide users after x minutes of inactivity" set to less than 5 minutes? It's working fine for me.
Currently 15, with both options open, when i open the chat page, wait 15min inactive, it will hide me from the chatting users list.
@iraqiboy90, will look into that. To unset a status go to "Options" menu and save the status with no value. In the next version by typing /status with no text, will unset it.

@mauzao9, please provide a test account to take a look. I don't see any issues on my end.
@mauzao9, please provide a test account to take a look. I don't see any issues on my end.
I have set the options once again, 15min, and now it is working, it's not hiding me if i go afk :)
Always get the green activity bar, what is the yellow one i can't understand?
It's an indicator of activity. Green 5 minutes > Yellow 15 minutes > Gray
Oh okay! Why would i never get that color? Because my tab is still open and session kept alive? So who is Yellow would meant that it doesn't have the chat open anymore. :)
2 minor style issues.


"Settings" and "Options" text disappear when hovered.
How can I change the color of "Sound" and "Miscellaneous" under settings?
I apologise in advanced if this has already been mentioned but after looking over a couple of pages I decided to just post, I noticed at first my mini-avatar was centered to the text but I fixed it and recommend that the developer please take a look at this :)

The other thing is the text is cutting off and pushing the letters onto the next line. I tried fixing this by adding
word-wrap: normal; to the css but had no luck.

I solved the issue where the mini avatar was not centered with the text. I did this by changing the top: 5px to top:-3px
#siropuChat .avatar img, #siropuChatUsersWidget .avatar img {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    position: relative;
    top: 5px;

#siropuChat .avatar img, #siropuChatUsersWidget .avatar img {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    position: relative;
    top: -3px;

But doesn't look like it worked for all of them. It seems like when i change the top: 5px to -3px it messes up the other avatars
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I was using TaigaChat before and when you put up a notice it was easy to color the text with the typical forum bbcode.

The Siropu chat notice doesn't handle bbcode at all and it all shows up like this v
[color=#FEFEFE]text i'd like to color[/color]

Ahh I see what you mean, but you can change it by changing the colour of the text within style properties

You could even use html styling <span style="color:#80BFFF">test</span> to add this go to Options > Chat scroll down to notices and place it within
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