Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)

In my page:


In your page:


Only with very large words.

@tr1age, I will see what I can do to improve the mobile view.

The chat is not auto scrolling when inverse is not selected for members of mine.
I don't see any problems with autoscroll in normal or inverse. I'm using Chrome myself. Is this only for some of the members?

It seems the longer it stays on the screen the laggier the site gets before a refresh of the whole page.
After how many messages do you see this issue? I can add the option to clear the message list when it reaches to x number of messages.

@Rambro, I think you can display the chat above forums list before featured and on that home page by using the embed mode. Please send me a PM if you need help.
As for the chat archive, you can find the link to it in the chat user options menu.

@Juan Sin Miedo, that issue is due to the text-align: justify; which you can change it by adding .siropuChatContentLeft {text-align: left !important;} in EXTRA.css
@tr1age, I will see what I can do to improve the mobile view.

I don't see any problems with autoscroll in normal or inverse. I'm using Chrome myself. Is this only for some of the members?

Excellent for the mobile view! Making use of more space would be so cool!

The issue with the site lagging btw was the cache time 1 second just doesn't work. I set it to 2 and it is fine-ish :)

I had to go into the javascript and set the autoscroll default value to 1 not 0. It was happening in chrome for some members. It was fine for me. Once I swapped the number it worked for everyone.

You should really take a look at, when you have time obviously, the cool idea with the chat bot and being able to have it spit commands. Would be such a cool feature and you already have the bot, so it is just a matter of calling to it!
Siropu this chat is miles better than Taigachat which is what I currently use. Do you have any plans to make this work with Widget Framework because I like having widgets to the side of the chat including - ads, chat members, polls... Take a look at my current setup:
So the members online area could be a widget instead of attached to the chatbox. This would allow for content to the right of the chatbox.
I want to use your chat addon but this is stopping me.

Also the mobile version could use an upgrade. It doesn't show enough messages and the 'smilies' button enters the text area when opened.

Siropu this chat is miles better than Taigachat which is what I currently use. Do you have any plans to make this work with Widget Framework because I like having widgets to the side of the chat including - ads, chat members, polls... Take a look at my current setup:
View attachment 115612
So the members online area could be a widget instead of attached to the chatbox. This would allow for content to the right of the chatbox.
View attachment 115613
I want to use your chat addon but this is stopping me.

Also the mobile version could use an upgrade. It doesn't show enough messages and the 'smilies' button enters the text area when opened.


You can use Xenporta 2 to widget it out.

Also you can hook it into a widget yourself.

You can also turn off the users if you want. Or have it minimized.
Regarding media, I explicit disable media BBCode but if someone paste a YouTube link the link is converted.

This should not happen.
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@domski2bc, from what I know WF doesn't allow you to pass parameters to the callback and because of this it won't work. You can use the embed mode or you can use one of the available sidebar positions: "Sidebar Below Visitor Panel" or "Sidebar Bottom".
@Nuno, if you have added "media" in the "Disallowed BBCodes" option list, it won't convert the link into the video, it will be displayed as a link.
How to reproduce: Refresh Chat. Do nothing.
Now spam the Smilie button.
smiley issue.webp

Not the end of the world but def a loading bug.
@tr1age, it shouldn't autoscroll when you are manually scrolling. You said in a post that you made some changes to autoscroll. That's probably it.
As for the smilie problem, do you get it when you click fast on it multiple times? I can't reproduce it.
@tr1age, it shouldn't autoscroll when you are manually scrolling. You said in a post that you made some changes to autoscroll. That's probably it.
As for the smilie problem, do you get it when you click fast on it multiple times? I can't reproduce it.

Yes refresh the chat, then spam the holy crap out of the smilie button haha. Yeah I have a special breed of users :)
As for the other issue @Siropu the scroll thing is java related and only happens to some members so I am thinking user error or java error. I dunno.

Here is what I changed in CHAT.js

function chatAutoscroll($inverse) {
chatMessages.scroll(function() {
chat.attr('data-autoscroll', 0);
if ((chatMessages.scrollTop() == chatMessages[0].scrollHeight - chatMessages.innerHeight() && !$inverse)
|| chatMessages.scrollTop() == 0 && $inverse) {
chat.attr('data-autoscroll', 1);
If you set it to 1 it scrolls for everyone but it causes it to scroll on every message. If set to the deault 0 some people don't get scrolling to work. I am trying to narrow it down to the users having issues. Maybe an older java on their machines.
If your users have the permission to change the display mode, ask them what mode are they using and what chat options are enabled.
@Sheldon If I wanted to move the "whisper" button to the left by the tags, and have it with a FA icon, do you know the code I would move to the message part of the chat template? I got the FA icon for tags, but can't figure out whisper.
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