Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
One of my members had an error when he wanted to go on the chat page, @Siropu.

This member generates server errors whenever he tries to come on the chat page:

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@Dylan V, I did and it doesn't play the sound.

Please try this and let me know if you still have that problem. In the same JS file to the same function (chatPlaySound) replace:
With this:
chatMessages.find('> li:last').attr('id')
Save. clear the cache and refresh the page.

As for that error, I've managed to reproduce it and it will be fixed.
Please try this and let me know if you still have that problem. In the same JS file to the same function (chatPlaySound) replace:
With this:
chatMessages.find('> li:last').attr('id')
Save. clear the cache and refresh the page.
It's okay now, the sound notification bug has been fixed, thanks. :) You'll change this line for the next release?
am getting this error message when any member tries to post on the chat
ErrorException: Illegal string offset 'inverse' - library/Siropu/Chat/Helper.php:143
Generated By: mereman, 2 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/pcsg/public_html/library/Siropu/Chat/Helper.php(143): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'Illegal string ...', '/home/pcsg/publ...', 143, Array)
#1 /home/pcsg/public_html/library/Siropu/Chat/ControllerPublic/Chat.php(106): Siropu_Chat_Helper::prepareLastRow(Array, '1')
#2 /home/pcsg/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): Siropu_Chat_ControllerPublic_Chat->actionIndex()
#3 /home/pcsg/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/pcsg/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(25) "Error | PC-SG"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Looks great. Can't seem to get it to appear anywhere and don't see any chat widget or explanation of what "embed" means or a code (which I assume you'd use.) Enabled chat, positioned above all, set permissions for every group to see and use chat. Missing some step. Incredibly detailed back end and looks great. Unfortunately don't recall docs anywhere and difficult to access my account. Can you provide some insight?

EDIT - OK, I see the chat at the bottom of the page, like Comet Chat, etc. Not sure why it is like this but it is. Will figure it out but some docs, if they exist, will help. Great add-on!
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@TheLaw, that's the all pages mode. Allows you to see the last message while browsing the site. Using the other mods will display the chat fully. I will add some FAQs about the Embed Mode.

I've noticed a bug. If you allow guests to view the chat and that you've enabled the chat page, the guest will have an error when he will go to the chat page:

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Siropu updated Chat by Siropu with a new update entry:

New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes

New Display Modes
Now you can choose to display the chat in the sidebar (Below Visitor Panel or Bottom).

/kick Command (Permission based)
Allows you to kick users from the current room.
There is an admin option to globally enable/disable it and to specify how long will the kick last.
Two permissions have been added for this command: one globally and one for room authors.

/prune Command Improvements
Now you can also delete messages by user. To do that you need to type...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Siropu Absolutely amazing. Thank you!

Can you add a way for the bot to announce kicks in the room they're done in and if possible tell me how to disable the 'all pages mode' from the chat options
@Shiro, it should announce kicks when they happen. You can't disable it unless you remove it from the template. Tri using the Template Modifications System.
@Shiro, it should announce kicks when they happen. You can't disable it unless you remove it from the template. Tri using the Template Modifications System.
It does not seem to announce kicks for user-created rooms. Additionally, the permissions display list for /help does not say if you have /kick permission.

I don't understand why the help page contains all the commands, and then at the end "You have right to use these permissions" (or something like that).

Why couldn't the help page just include the help items for the commands that the user has permissions for?

If they don't have permission to prune, there is no point in showing them the help section for /prune


I don't understand why the help page contains all the commands, and then at the end "You have right to use these permissions" (or something like that).

Why couldn't the help page just include the help items for the commands that the user has permissions for?

If they don't have permission to prune, there is no point in showing them the help section for /prune

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